Bright Flame City… Well I can say for sure that this city is certainly bright.

It looks really prosperous as I can see numerous people and cars moving around.

The people moved as usual, walking on the side walk in causal steps, but the cars, the cars moved at abnormal speeds.

It looks as if every car that went by is in a race and therefore had no qualms about breaking the highway speed limit.

Multiple cars moving at that speed caused a lot of air distortions, thereby creating the buzzing sound that we could hear the closer we got to the sidewalk.

While I had already guessed that demons, all born with strength, speed and reflexes far greater than humans in general, would obviously find the speed of regular cars slow, but who could have guessed that they would be using race cars to commute daily!

I feel like the drivers are more concerned about breaking a minimum speed limit to a non-existent maximum speed limit.

While I was concerned with the dangers of driving at such speeds, I noticed an extra lane close to the sidewalk where cars that needed to enter the train station's parking lot would slow down first.

A car slows down and halts noiselessly and drops off a passenger before zooming off again.

"We have to be at the academy soon, so let's hurry across so I can call a cab" Amelia says with a satisfied smile upon seeing the look of amazement on my face.

Now that I look at the speeds of these cars, I wonder how we are going to cross the road because I don't think zebra crossings and traffic lights can help us slow them down.

We walk out onto the sidewalk before taking a right, walking for about a minute before seeing this realm's equivalent of zebra crossings and traffic lights.

I look in confusion at the sign that's illustrating a stick figure jumping over a busy road with led light.

Do they just jump over the high speed traffic? Isn't that dangerous?

I complain inwardly until I see a man jog over and stand on top of a weird platform below the sign.

A blast of air suddenly propels the man through the air in a perfect curve towards the other side of the road where another blast of air helps him land steadily on the ground.

I stopped frozen in shock from the scene and didn't notice when Amelia stood on the same platform until it had blasted her to the other side.

What the hell? Can't she wait for me before she crosses? She should know that I'm basically a hillbilly in this city.

At least let me know if there are any precautions I should take while using this thing.

I stare at the platform for about a minute while Amelia who's already on the other side waves at me to hurry up.

I stepped on the platform and resisted the urge to close my eyes when the blast of air propelled me upwards.

It didn't feel as dangerous as I thought it would and as I started freefalling downwards, a blast of air slowed my descent, allowing me to land perfectly on the ground.

That was fun! I wonder if I can go again[2].

After experiencing that, I can wait to see what this world's amusement park has to offer.

"What took you so long? You just kept standing there like an idiot" Amelia asks before walking ahead.

"In case you don't know, there are no platforms that propel people over high speed traffics in the human realm" I said walking behind her.

"Oh yeah… my bad, sorry about that, I've called a cab and it should be here anytime now" She says and barely a minute goes by and a green car stops near us.

Amelia looks at her phone then the car again before walking towards it.

She opens the back door and greets the driver as she enters the car with me following suit.

The driver doesn't try to make conversation after we enter the car but immediately confirms our destination before heading out.

I decided to spend the ride looking out the window, watching countless buildings go by at high speed… I really need a phone[3].

Twenty minutes later, just when I had run out of buildings to see, we finally reached our destination.

The car slowed down before stopping in front of a massive gate, so big that we had to step down from the car before I could see the top.

In front of us is this huge white gate over six metres tall and just standing in front of it I could feel some sort of pressure pinning me down.

Part of me felt reverence upon feeling this faint pressure, while another part of me felt… disgust?

The feeling of disgust came so fast and along with it a slight danger warning, but then the feeling became light, although I'm still able to sense it, I can't understand it anymore deeply.

"Um Amelia, do you sense anything wrong with this gate?" I ask Amelia, afraid of approaching this gate that's arousing conflicting emotions in me.

"You're able to feel it right? It's from artefact left here by the old headmaster of the academy"

"He is able to use his demonic aura in the form of a dome that surrounds the whole academy as a detection spell to alert the whole school the moment a saint or true demon steps on campus, hence the lack of any guards at the entrance" explains Amelia.

Could the disgust I'm feeling be from my saint bloodline? Jeez, I hope this isn't what Amelia and the rest experience when they are around me.

"Wait! Isn't that bad news for me? How am I supposed to enter the academy without blowing off the alarm?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I was told that the detection field has already been altered to filter half demon half saint mutants. The person sir Kuda entrusted your enrollment to was really thorough, up to the point of planning out every trouble you might face due to your special nature" She says while nodding her head.

Hehe, mutant, that's a new one and I should like it better than abomination… but abomination has already started to stick with me.

After talking, Amelia walks towards the gate and pushes it open before walking inside with me following nervously behind her.

After walking past the gate, the faint pressure I was feeling suddenly disappears along with the conflicting emotions.

The first thing I notice after entering is a wide garden as far as my eyes could see with the statue of some kind of beast in the centre and a huge building at the very end.

We walked further and I noticed that the beast statue looking extremely realistic standing five metres tall felt extremely intimidating and staring into its eyes caused a chill to run down my spine.

It is the statue of a flaming tiger beast with huge thorns coming out of its joints and back, its fur red, giving off the impression that it is made out of fire with white stripes shining brightly.

"Woah this looks really cool and it's so life-like" I said in amazement.

If you told me that this is the stuffing of an actual demonic beast, I won't be too surprised.

"It's made out of the skin and bones of an adult legendary Blazing Light Tiger[4], the signature demonic beast of the bright flame district" Amelia says, looking at the statue with pride.

We walk into the building and all I can see is a long hallway with a lot of classrooms at the side.

The hallway is exceptionally quiet, as if the place is deserted, with only the sound of our footsteps to accompany us.

At the end of the hallway is a set of offices and rooms like Teacher's lounge, Nurse's office, First Year's staff room, Elite staff room and so on all denoted with plaques.

Amelia led me to the First Year's Head office before speaking.

"This is where we part ways for now, I've been absent for three weeks, so it's best I report to classes soon as possible"

"Oh okay, I guess I'll see you later, we're in the same class right?" I asked with uncertainty.

"I don't think so, the requirements to get into my class are really strict and even if you are arranged to attend my class, you might not be able to keep up" Amelia explains, smiling awkwardly.

"Just head inside, you need meet the first year's headteacher to get you settled in, I hear he's a nice guy so he shouldn't give you too much trouble and I'm supposed to be watching you so we'll definitely see each other around unless you expect me to stalk to like your personal FBI agent" Amelia says taping me on my back before walking away quickly.

Well that's disappointing I guess, I wonder if I can actually make some friends in this school, I seem to always have issues in that aspect.

Wait a minute!! How the hell does she know about the personal FBI memes!?

I steady my heart and composed my thoughts before knocking on the door.

"Come in!" The calm mellow voice of a man announces from inside the office.

I walk into the room to see a middle aged man with shoulder length white hair focusing on his laptop with a serious expression.

"Yes? How can I help you?" The man asks while looking up with a smile that turns into a frown almost instantly.

Ah shit! Amelia said he's a nice guy and won't give me too much trouble, but I guess the sight of someone with a saint aura is enough to displease any demon.

"Why aren't you in uniform?" The man asks seriously.

Ohhh so that's what he's displeased about, God I swear I feel like I'm about to turn into one of those people that think everyone from a particular race is racist.

"Sorry, I'm supposed to start today, my name is Aito, Kyoji Aito" I say looking at the man nervously.

"Oh Yes! Sorry, I nearly forgot you were coming in today, have a seat" The man says with a bright smile, pointing at the chair opposite him.

"Thankyou" I say nervously while sitting down.

"My name is Camden Aven by the way, I'm the first years headteacher and mainly responsible for handling major events related to first year students of the academy but because your case is special, I have to personally attend to you" the man introduced himself with a smile.

"N-Nice to meet you sir…" I responded nervously.

"No need to be too nervous around me, I know your story and I won't treat you differently from other students of the academy but of course I still need to monitor you closely for obvious reasons" The man says with a wide smile.

Well I have no doubt that you won't treat me differently and I'm sure many of the students and staff here would help "monitor" me closely as well, hell they may even be kind enough to give me a special "physical exam" (a good beating)[5].

I'm grateful that he's kind and understanding but I know that most people won't treat me like this and I can't help but be nervous all the time… Oh God… I hope I don't get to experience bullying.

"Although I know about your situation and… Well your case is very special, not to mention that you were hastily admitted here, I haven't found the right time to inform the entire faculty so you may receive some prejudice from most students and staff but your class head teacher has been informed and I'll be follow you to class later so don't be too concerned about being attacked randomly while in the academy'' He says awkwardly, seeing through my doubts.

"Apart from all that, another problem is the period that you're being admitted into the academy is weird *sigh* with the third term of the school year that started two weeks ago *Sigh* how the hell are you supposed to keep up with the rest of the first years" Camden says while sighing.

That reminds me, I'm in my final year of high school and third term as well… If I don't get back to the human realm in two months, doesn't that mean that… that I have to repeat my final school year!… Well that's definitely the least of my worries but FUCKK!!

"Hmmm… I guess I should introduce some rules of the Academy to you"

"Well first off is obviously the Academy's uniform, once they've been given to you, ensure that you always have them on while on campus on weekdays, class attendance is mandatory and I know, this one is obvious as well"

"Private combat practise or fights with other students aren't allowed and using or practising magic in campus is not strictly prohibited, but you would be fined for any damage to property"

"There would be regular combat classes, open field fridays and inter class competitions for you students to hone your combat skills properly"

"As for personal magic skill practice or training, there are private and public training halls on campus which are both free for you to use for a limited time… hmm I wonder if I'm forgetting anything else" Camden spoke for some time before pausing.

I wonder how they plan to penalise me if I happen to damage school property considering the fact that I'm clueless about the currency used in this world.

"These are the most essential rules here so you won't have any major problem with your everyday life on campus if you take note of them and I'll be giving you the academy's official hand book along with your uniform in case I might have missed anything out" Camden said with a smile before he operating the laptop in front of him.

"Do you have any questions?" He asks, raising his head to look at me again.

"No, thank you sir, I'll use my free time to understand anything else about the academy slowly" I answer with a smile.

I still feel slightly nervous about becoming classmates with a group of demons that might just end up hating me the moment we meet but after hearing the rules of the academy, apart from being assured of my safety, I can't help but get a little excited about the experiences to come.

I'm not only going to be learning magic systematically under a very prestigious academy, but I'm also going to have the opportunity of experiencing supervised combat classes and inter class combat competitions.

It feels like I've been admitted into a Hogwarts school of wizardry and witchcraft (Harry Potter)[6].

Camden nods his head slowly before standing up from his seat.

"Alright then, since there is nothing left to discuss, why don't we just go ahead and introduce you to your classmates" he says with a slight grin on his face.

"Now!" I exclaim, slightly shocked.

"Yes now, what else are you waiting for?"

"Ohh… I was just thinking that I'll be given my uniform, assigned to my room and dormitory, given a tour around school so I don't get lost or maybe even take some kind of magical entrance exam" I speak in a low voice thinking that the order of things should be obvious.

No matter how excited I might get about the new environment, there's no way I'm mentally prepared to meet other students.

"There is no magical entrance exam for you, but everything else has already been arranged and can be attended to later, plus it's best we do the introductions now because who knows what would happen if you get discovered before class starts tomorrow, some of the students might decide to take matters into their own hands" The man says while shaking his head.

Thinking about it seriously, Camden is right, it would be more dangerous for me to roam around school now that no one is aware of my situation because any of the staff of students may overreact and attack me on sight.

"*sigh* Okay…" I say with a sigh before standing up and following Camden out of his office.

We walk in the hallway for a while and stop in front of a classroom denoted with the plaque "Class 1-B".

"Wait for me to call you in" Camden says with a smile before walking into the classroom.

As he opens the door, the originally quiet hallway echoes the sound of the teacher in the classroom talking and I finally realise why the hallway is so quiet, it's because all the classrooms have been heavily soundproofed.

"Good Day Class! I'm sure you all know who I am" Camden's voice sounded through the open classroom door.

"You may remain seated, today I'm here to introduce a transfer student that will be joining your class today"

Yes! I'm a transfer student, this cliché would definitely help solidify my aura as the main character!

The classroom suddenly becomes rowdy as a lot of the students start to mutter before being interrupted by Camden.

"Quiet down! I'm sure you're all curious as to why he's transferring in here at this time of the year, well… His case is very special so I hope you all treat him with kindness as you will to your fellow classmates"

"Aito come in!"

Ahh Shit! Can't you make my "special" situation clearer to the students before you call me in?


I take a deep breath before walking nervously into the classroom and for some reason, the students decide to be completely silent as they watch me enter the classroom which ends up making me even more nervous.

I turn around to face the classroom filled with students with different hair colours.

The classroom is designed in such a way that each seat row increases in elevation continuously from the front of and towards the end of the class, like an Auditorium kind of seating arrangement, allowing me to see the faces of everyone of my soon to be classmates[7].

I calm down and open my mouth to speak.

"My name is…"

"Everyone don't be deceived, use that guy's a saint!!!" I hear a familiar voice of a guy shout suddenly.

After his voice sounds, all the students stand up immediately and I experience the strange feeling of multiple people scanning my body at the same time.

My body tenses up immediately and I look in the direction of the shout in shock.

Well it was… I think his name is Oliver, one of the people that attacked me when I first entered Ragar and now he's glaring at me angrily… I remember that I sort of knocked him out last time.

In fact, Oliver wasn't the only one looking at me with anger written on his face as everyone in the classroom had clear expressions of anger.

With Oliver taking the lead, all the students started to cast spells at the same time and less than ten seconds later, multiple spells of different elements rushed in my direction.

All I can do is just stand and watch with an aggrieved expression as different spells with visible destructive energy head towards me.

[Author's Note]

1. Word count - 3246 words.

2. Wouldn't it be fun to go through all that just to cross the road?

3. This brings back the topic "Are phones considered basic necessities" I mean, what else can you do during a twenty minute journey other than pressing your phone.

4. Forgive my naming sense, "Blazing Light Tiger" is the best I can come up with my first idea being - "Flaming Thorned Back Bright Striped Tiger".

5. You know how some students just suddenly decide to observe and mock the weird kid in class (monitor) then some bullies decide to make life more difficult for this weird kid by intimidating or even harming(Physical exam) him/her.

6. Funny enough, I don't remember much about the Harry Potter movies I had watched, but I can barely remember the name of the school Harry is attending. No offence to any "Potterheads".

7. Have no I idea why I gave such a concrete description.