Clean and honest

Vance wanted Ava's innocent smiles, her simple mind, encouraging soul, an understanding companion but who was the one who wanted her life in desolation? Who wanted to bring forlornness in her life?

You will know the value of a person when you lose and that is what Vance was going through. Even though he hardly knows about Ava, the strong imprint he had of her was something Grace Wells failed to erase and occupy it for three years.

Contemplating whether to go ahead and see her or leave, he suddenly realized, 'How can Ava Kelly be alive? I saw her being shot right in front of me. She can't be Ava and I am misunderstanding. I am just missing her. Yes, I am missing Ava.'

He hundreds of times repeated to himself that the strong and stylish lady can't be Ava Kelly, she might look the same or he was just imagining as same.