Vicious feral

However Nico tried to scare the lady in front of him, she didn't flinch a little. Her gaze was clear yet threatening him to stay away from her and mind his business.

-- Ten minutes earlier --

Nico had fetched the contact details of Aaron Rivas and dialed him to know if he really rejected a company named, Evans. "President Rivas!" He greeted the aloof man he had ever met in his life. Even after his greet, Another end was silent as a grave.

"Nico Burton here." That's when he heard a faint hum of acknowledgment and probe for him to continue talking.

The Aaron Rivas, extremely aloof, ruthless, cold-blooded man Nico Burton had ever seen. The latter had met him when they were kids but he had thought Aaron as a warm, friendly person. He still ponders whether that little Aaron and the current Aaron are the same people.