Angry young man

Shawn hummed hearing the name 'Ava Kelly' but didn't expect Aarvi to say, "Business is Business, I don't care about his personal life."

Shawn would have believed it if it was from a narrowminded businessman but not from her mouth. He didn't understand what she was up to but he knew she would have a reason behind it so he chose to be quiet. he didn't want to show his anger so he went aside after a snort with a disdainful gaze on Vance.

Vance's lips were gaped hearing her say, 'Business?' he lost in the game in which he was overconfident hence he thought he lost everything, the project, his self-respect, and the stand in the socialite circle hearing others murmur looking at him.

Aarvi continued in a professional tone, "My project is too big for the Hays International which I can't risk..."

Elliot cut in raising his tone, "Why the f**k did you ask them to fight when you had already decided that? Are you a freaking psycho?"