Forget about Aarvi

Aarvi saw disappointment rather than anger on Jordan's face. She could easily guess he was dissatisfied with how Aaron handled the matter.

Jordan wasn't angry with her but upset about how Aaron brought a girl to meet him without informing him. He never entertains anybody who forces themselves on him excluding his family. A part of him said she might have forced Aaron to take her but it was quickly replaced by glancing at her expressionless face. 

He realized she wasn't a lady to act weak for attention to get his approval or fake her emotions and cry to show as hurt. A slight furrow flew on his face without understanding how Naomi's description of the girl and the one standing opposite him differ so much.

Naomi Fisher understands Jordan to a good extent. Talking negatively behind somebody's back won't be tolerated by him hence she always said good things in an exaggerated way that could make Jordan misunderstand Aarvi.