Aeon is in danger

Aaron saw her pursing the lips tight as though he was going to feed her something distasteful. "What's wrong?"

Aarvi just stared at him without opening her lips or breathing in the air. Aaron quickly noticed her odd behavior, "Aarvi, breathe. What's wrong?"

Aarvi quickly covered her mouth and muttered, "I haven't brushed yet."

Aaron: "..."

He had almost thought she was mad at him. He was surprised to know she didn't mind their accidental kiss. He flicked on her head and spoke, "You thought I was going to kiss you?

Aarvi shook her head and changed the topic, "What are you doing in my bedroom? Who gave you permission to sleep next to me?... And shall we sit and talk?"

Aaron too shook his head copying her and asked teasingly, "Kiss me, then I will let you go."

Aarvi: "..."