Identity at risk

After the scene, Aarvi turned to Esme to know how she did. However, Esme was already walking towards her.

Esme didn't hand the wet towel to Aarvi, instead, she gently pressed it on Aarvi's face, "Girl, you didn't even use glycerine. How do you bring them out?" She teased.

Mia Craft was frozen realizing she missed many details. It was clearly mentioned in the handbook, Madeleine forces herself to move off for the sake of the male lead's happiness so she leaves all the memories of him behind before flying off to her parents without telling him.

She was a strong woman for a reason and against the Madeleine character Aarvi portrayed wasn't only emotional and kind but also stronger. That determination to move on didn't come into Mia's mind at all so She realized she was lacking at some point even though she was good at acting.