End of dirty games

At Rivas Industries

Aarvi entered the top floor to feel the Antarctic cold air and all secretaries' faces had fallen and were too busy to even raise their heads to see her arrival and greet.

'What might have happened?' Aarvi thought and remembered Aaron hadn't dropped a single message or called to ask if she had lunch.

She knocked her forehead for burying herself in work and getting busy with Dax and Zain. Deciding she shouldn't repeat the same, she saw Milo Wen's hurriedly exit the office room while his forehead dripped with sweat beads.

Milo Wen wasn't a man to easily falter for small things and he handles some big problems himself without troubling Aaron so she realized Aaron's mood will be deep down in the pit.

She adjusted her mood to make her man happy and to help him if needed.

Her current mission - see Aaron smile happily.