House full of ridicule

Ava was thinking about what to do, she was failing to find any route to get out there. Just then a callous hand caressed her arm and a lewd voice heard next to her ear, "Did he touch you here first?" 

Ava jerked aside in horror and stared at the captain in shock. Her heart palpitated looking at the gazes on their faces

She had never witnessed those types of gazes till she met Leon Harmon. Those gazes made her shiver, turn cold and freeze in clueless. If she felt the gaze like a wild beast, that's what meant lust to her. 

She started to tremble due to lecherous gazes on her, the females were enjoying it, waiting for more instead of helping her.

Ava wanted to cry out and beg them to let her go but deep down she knew it won't help. She learned that requesting and apologizing just to manage the situation even if she isn't wrong doesn't help her in any way.