Punish me

Brodie Powell, a man in his mid-forties working as a chief of police for the past five years. After much struggle, connections, he was promoted to the position where he was.

He was working on a case waiting for a reporter who wanted to take his interview, especially on the recent case he had solved about money laundry.

He was excited to earn a separate section in the news so he didn't mind waiting even though he was pissed off thinking the reporter is disrespectful of him and his work position.

Anyhow, he had to press down his irritation and waited for ten minutes until he heard a knock on his office door. He had ordered everyone to give him privacy during the interview so he knew the reporter is the one who knocked on the door.

He quickly sat in poise straightening his back and corrected his arm position and composed to look like a man who holds power and bears the position.