I am pregnant

Aarvi wasn't expecting such an intense reaction from Dax and Shawn and turned to Aaron who was still waiting for her to complete.

Aarvi slowly pointed to Aaron and revealed playfully with a cheeky grin, "He said he stole my first kiss in the school without my knowledge."

Aaron: "..." He felt like he should have expected it. 'Damn'

Shawn and Dax looked at each other and burst into laughter, their friend loves to create mystery. They could already guess Aaron made up a lie as she doesn't remember anything and they were happy to know Aarvi's first kiss wasn't Vance Hays but the person she liked.

Tia who was seeing the new side of Handsome doctor continued to look at him in awe, of course, the little fear of his stoic face never would let her get close to him.