Slaughter together

Aarvi wanted to ask why Aaron was so guarded up in the night despite being exhausted. But she thought to ask after the sizzling… No, that's too hot, after an intense, heated kiss.

Aarvi tugged his neck to dip his head as she wrapped her arms securely around it. She captured his lips in a passionate kiss that she had craved when she was lying under him on the bunk bed.

Aaron was amused at how flawlessly she controlled his movements. The tissues slipped his hand and slid it around her waist pulling her closer. Another hand grazed up her slender neck and lifted her chin to perfectly access and mold her lips with his.

He so wanted to kiss her lips when they were on the bed, he ardently picked her soft lips to claim them.

When in a relationship, there is no giver and taker, it should always be two-way and she is aware of it.