Aunt Moon

At Rivas hospital,

Aarvi no longer had plans to consult a doctor. She didn't want Aaron to feel she didn't trust him and his treatment. So her priority was to look for Lara before handling Naomi.

She had just reached the reception, the receptionist greeted her, "Miss. Evans." She greeted another receptionist who was attending; a different person faintly smiled at Aarvi with a nod to greet her.

Aarvi asked politely, "May I know the ward number of Lara Dalton?"

"Give me a minute, Ms. Evans. I will check the log." The receptionist respectfully responded before looking at the computer screen.

Before the receptionist could respond, a male voice interrupted, "Excuse me… Ms. Moon?"

Aarvi turned to the source of the voice to see Lara's father who looked worn out but his eyes held the gratitude which wasn't for her but Aaron, "Mr. Dalton…"