Girl in black

Karsen Rivas never bothered to throw a glance at Leon even if the latter tried to trouble them with underhand work. Leon had thought the Rivas family members stayed away from him to be safe but who knew the man in front of him didn't care if he held the power or had the ability.

Among the people who kept him first and respected him more, Leon was really uncomfortable facing Aaron who had indifference as if he said nothing.

It is infuriating.

Leon subsided his anger and tried to manage the air without giving away, "Doctor Rivas is humorous. Thank you for taking your time to attend my brother's engagement."

Yeah, he wanted to avoid talking to Aaron but who is going to let him have his way. Taking away the control is the worst thing done to the control freak.

Aaron noticed him showing the way towards the sitting area but he interrupted, "Is these all for an engagement?" 

Leon: "..."