Impact of Aarvi’s appearance

'Fire… Fire… My hand is on fire…' The voice felt so familiar so Leon instinctively stepped aside to take a look but Aaron's bodyguard stood like a statue blocking his bath.

Compared to Leon, the bodyguard was taller and was higher in weight so his cold face looked more intimidating than Leon's menacing aura.

"Captain Roach" Leon's greeting was like a warning for him to move aside but the bodyguard smirked.

"President Harmon, do you think you can escape me a second time just because I am not in service anymore?" The bodyguard's words were like a knife on Leon's ear which was harsher than cutting through his muscles that turned his eyes redder.

Leon had lost hundreds of millions worth of weapon consignment which was caught by the military under the captainship of Roach. Despite knowing it belonged to Leon, they didn't find any proof that could point to him so Leon had escaped.