My reasons

Aarvi glanced at Aaron who looked indifferent but his eyes were saying different, "Go to your friends. Don't make them uncomfortable here."

Aaron didn't respond, instead leaned his head on the cupboard and looked at her with such an intense gaze, Aarvi wanted to avoid it and focus on preparing juice.

Turning away, "Go…" She paused realizing she bluntly said she will love him no matter what. She bit her tongue blaming Aaron for making her speak all those words.

Yeah, according to Aarvi, it's Aaron's mistake for every sweet nothing coming out of her lips.

She quickly recovered and stood nonchalantly but he had already got the reaction he was waiting for. He so wanted to tease her but hearing the voices nearing towards the kitchen, he grasped her in a quick move and whispered in her ear.

"I will soon devour My Lioness." His deep sexy voice tickled her ear and he left the kitchen after giving a quick and lingering kiss on her lips.