Lost your wife

In the Banquet hall, 

'She is famous in country S as a genius investor and the surprising coincidence is she is from our own country.'

After hearing the emcee say about Twyla, Dylan unknowingly remembered Ava Kelly. 

Twyla is from country S and from country A origin. Leon changed his mind at the information of Twyla. 'So Twyla is Ava Kelly!' He deduced without thinking Ava Kelly must have invited Twyla.

His over smartness was accurate enough and he looked at the eagerness of Leon. He felt like laughing thinking about how Ava Kelly was playing Leon. 

While Leon wanted to keep things safe and fine with the chemical manufacturing plant, Dylan didn't feel like Ava Kelly had any plans to disturb that but torment Leon differently. 

She met Leon once and left him mentally exhausted and physically wounded. She is meeting for the second time on the same day so Dylan was curious to see what she had in store this time.