Charlotte Parkinson

Aarvi ignited the engine and changed the gear of the car to reverse. The road was blocked with Leon's men who had no strength to get up and make space as one or the other bone was broken. The other lane was filled with the automobile scraps so there was no way Leon could follow them.

So Aarvi kept an eye on her rearview mirror taking reverse when the man next to her had his eyes fixed on her.

"Somebody was sexy being bossy." He flirted in his hypnotic voice.

Aarvi glanced at him, she was childish in her opinion. Anyway, she smugly responded, "Your girlfriend seems cool."

Aaron let out a throaty chuckle. To be frank, he just loved her attitude, how her silence left Leon on the edge and afraid to speak anything or take an action in front of her.

He pitied Leon who was yet to realize he was afraid of 'Ava Kelly' hence he was burying down his frustration.