The forgotten memories

Shea doesn't want to get involved with high-profile people as most of the city businessmen and their family were known to her Uncle. That is Nikun's father.

Shawn thought she didn't identify him or was being careful of cheating. So he lifted the face shield of the helmet, "Second thoughts?"

He looked like he was going to ride away even for the unthinking acknowledgment.

Hearing his sexy voice, despite having the urge to walk away she went against her mind for the first time looking at his face and his deep gaze.

She felt her body again warming up under his gaze and her cheeks turn hot. She stood staring at him while he put the helmet on her head and stuffed his blazer into her hands.

"Hop on," Shawn commanded and Shea came out of her open eyes dream.

'Damn.' She cursed under her breath as she wore his blazer.

For the first time, she got the urge to date, somebody. She didn't want to miss this face.