Girl in first love

In the next penthouse,

Aarvi exited the water closet looking all composed, still thinking of taking Aaron to the doctor or asking him to get treated himself.

Aaron was still on the bed, he beckoned her with her laptop laying on the side.

Aarvi wanted to go against his gestures but anyway, thinking he might need some help, she reached him as she asked, "Are you alright? How about I ask Master Rivas or Uncle Karsen to treat you?"

Aaron: "..."

He flicked on her head and pulled her to sit leaning on him. Then he handed her the laptop as he explained.

"What you noticed in the early morning was the phenomenon of nocturnal penile tumescence — aka morning erections." 

Well, he didn't want to speak about his wet dreams. Probably some other day when she was able to handle such talks.

Aarvi heard him as she read the article about Nocturnal penile tumescence. Those words just flew above her head so she chose to understand by the explanation.