With you

Nico stood up. He wasn't an anxious man who was guilt-ridden or impatient to know the past. His sharp eyes flickered with determination. His handsome face was certain and overbearing.

"You must have forgotten. I am trained to kill criminals soundlessly and smoothly." He was optimistic about his strengths. Others might have to think and recheck if they were leaving any proof behind or if the criminal is dead. He was sleek in getting his job done in the shortest time.

Captain Turner, Aarvi knows he goes on highly confidential missions, especially out of the country to protect the country.  Yet never once failed or got caught. Still, she didn't want to include him in her plans. She wasn't an idiot to keep a military man who grew up hearing about the morals and laws rather than the affectionate words, who studied in military school learning how to tackle the criminals physically and psychologically, who learned and believed that the country and law stands above everyone.