Choose it or Lose it

How could two friends see a man aiming to hit their friend? They won't give that permission to anybody. Only they had the right to kick their friend's ass. 

Shawn and Aarvi were attentive. As they had shifted close to Dax, both instinctively moved and kicked Clark before his fist could land on Dax or even touch a strand on his body.

Clark might be well built. Two powerful strikes, one on his chest and another on his abdomen, threw him back to the ground. He coughed to the pain looking at Aarvi and Shawn, who were displeased by his actions. He didn't evade their glowering eyes.

Dax had moved aside to miss Clark's strike. He would have struck another rough one at Clark if his two friends hadn't reacted. 

He caught Aarvi's overcoat from falling on the floor by misunderstanding Aarvi tripped on her heels. He wanted to scold her for trying those stunts on her heels. Those movements can severely damage her ankle.