The death of past.

At Harmon mansion,

Elder Harmon got ready as usual on the day of the death anniversary of his wife. Just like every year, the butler helped him get a bouquet of chrysanthemums, decorated with small lilies and roses.

After his breakfast, he was going towards the main door when Leon asked plainly, "Where are you going?" He had just completed his meditation according to the routine of his anger management.

Elder Harmon ignored Leon's question so the butler quickly responded to Leon, "Master, Elder master is going to visit Elder madam."

Leon noticed the bouquet to which his nose wrinkled and then it struck him that it was his grandmother's death anniversary. He wanted to stop his grandfather as Aarvi's plan included his family too. He is aware she won't hurt any of them but take them all away from him, just like his wife. 

Eliza? He was planning to bring her back after a round of attack on Skylar and Aarvi.