A fox in the sheep's skin

Ten minutes passed, and Jose ordered a few more delicacies and juice for himself. Ava wanted another cupcake but she didn't dare to move from her chair or ask her mother. 

So she just watched outside as her mother wouldn't like it if she watched them. Her mother says she will jinx them. She was already happy that she was sitting with her mother and brother at the same table.

Her mother was helping Jose when she knocked on the juice glass. Ava was late to notice and her white school shirt stained purple due to grape juice.

Her mother frowned at her, "Go, wash it off." She ordered, giving her a disgusted look.

As obedient she was, Ava nodded and weakly uttered, "Yes, Mom." Maisie doesn't like it if she calls her mother outside that could be audible for others. Maisie had actually ordered her to address 'Madam Kelly.' but her grandfather had scolded her mother.