Selfish - Inconsiderate

Sitting in the car, he found a sticky note on the car steering wheel. He had also noticed his vest, blazer, and tie were in the car. 

Should he wear it? He was confused. He decided to think after reaching the destination.

He read the note hand-written by his Cupcake.

[A lot of years ago, a little boy asked his grandfather, "Grandpa, why didn't you cut this tree to grow medicine? It is standing alone."

And the grandpa answered, "This tree is a symbol of power and courage growing through several years, facing all the difficulties. 

You should also become a person who will be brave in facing all the troubles."

The little boy nodded in determination and promised his grandfather, "Yes, grandpa. I will become strong and protect you all."]

Aaron read it twice. He could guess the little boy was him and grandpa was Jordan. The conversation probably happened when he was very young so he couldn't clearly remember the conversation.