He lost, she will suffer

"Come on, Leon Harmon, bark." Dax's irritated voice sounded because he was right in front of the bureau but couldn't go inside due to Leon.

His secretary on the other end: "..."

Leon Harmon could guess the voice as he had watched a few interviews of Dax Grant. Well, this time, Leon didn't call to stop the marriage as it wasn't possible. 

"Oh, the foot licking dog of Ava Kelly. Why don't you teach me how to bark?" Leon ridiculed Dax as he thinks Dax was just the face of Skylar and nothing else.

Dax rolled his eyes hearing Leon. He wanted Leon to come to the topic before he instructed his secretary about the work. "My owner has taught her pet dog very well. Only the street dog like you snarl at every passerby."

People like Leon, who cares more about money and benefits than relationships wouldn't respect friendship so Dax didn't bother to argue with him for that.