Fake Evans

Considering Aarvi's reaction, Aaron could guess Leon would do something at the party hence Leon chose to attend the party. He started mulling over why Jordan must have invited Leon to the party when he heard her mumble looking at his shoulder.

"I can't hug you," Aarvi complained when she realized his charcoal black colored blazer would be stained with her makeup. She didn't believe the makeup setting spray would work cent percent.

Aaron: "..."

He couldn't find the relation between her past reaction and her complaint. He understood she wanted to hug him and remembered her makeup. Twirling her around, He leaned on the elevator wall, pulling her for a back hug, he warmly secured her in his arms. 

Aarvi faintly smiled at his actions before her eyes sharped remembering Leon, "Never mind, we will see what he is up to." Aarvi stopped his train of thoughts to throw Leon out.

Escaping isn't an option. They would face it and see who will win this time.