A Lonely Bird

Aaron's clutch on the spoon tightened, so as Aarvi's hand on his shoulder. Sophia was the more panicked one. She felt it wasn't required to get angry at the new bride as Aarvi might have misunderstood their gesture. She wanted to say it was alright, she could give the food to neighbors who would love to try something different.

Anyway, who was she to talk to in between the family? Sophia knew her position so she pursed her lips and looked at Aarvi.

Sophia was surprised, Aarvi was still serene despite being yelled at by Zelda. It was like nothing could disturb the calm surface of the lake.

The silence fell over once Zelda stopped. Zelda tried to calm herself while thinking how much food might waste due to Aarvi unnecessary cooking. She would have surely appreciated Aarvi if they were in Rivas mansion with all. For four, there were many dishes.