Running Away isn’t a Solution

Dax could feel Mr. Wells worried for his wife but he was unbending. He could guess something must have happened in Mr. Wells's life that was making Mr. Wells behave that way.

As a professor, Mr. Wells would have seen thousands of students' lives rising and falling. As the head of the family, he probably had his problems. Those might have changed him, but those weren't the valid reasons to torture his family members.

"Mr. Wells, you have worked hard for your family." Mr. Wells wouldn't let his guard down just because of a single compliment. He was a person who never lowered to anybody or melted to the compliments.

Dax continued, "... But tell me something, how would you feel if you are being constantly controlled?"

Mr. Wells glared at Dax. He didn't feel obliged to listen or respond to Dax. The latter was an outsider and he wanted to keep him out of his family matters too.