I Want You

## R18 Warning. There are no significant plot details in this chapter. You can skip this chapter. ##

While Aaron was trying his hardest to have control over himself, his mind was just losing it. He couldn't focus or think of anything but the woman on him. 

When he was close to losing it, suddenly he heard her yawn wide as her arms encircled around his shoulders and her little face rubbed against his back.

Aaron: "..."

Here he was thinking she was seducing him, hence he couldn't have control over him.

"Ronron…" Aarvi murmured while recalling their day, and the beautiful village. 

Aaron clenched his teeth. Her low mellow voice was like oil being fed to the fire. He wanted to put her down on the bed, tuck her in and cool himself down but he was frozen, he highly doubted if he could do that, instead of taking over her.

'She is exhausted.' He tried to remind his overwhelmed mind to distract himself. It didn't come useful.