A wounded Lion

Dylan laid on the bed breathing deeply. He hadn't expected Aaron to have so much patience to let Aarvi play on her terms and Aarvi to be so protective of Aaron.

He knew silence isn't a weakness. In fact, it was a dangerous weapon and one couldn't judge a person by that silence. Hence Aarvi was always difficult for him to understand hearing her limited words. So judging Aaron's silence was impossible. He wasn't a fool to think Aaron stays silent because he doesn't know what to do. Rather, Aaron prefers actions.

Imagining Leon tied limbs and thrown to the speed boat, Dylan pitied Leon. Leon would be untied once the speed boat reaches the Coasta shore. Dylan was cent percent sure, this time Leon would break down the whole mansion once he entered inside. Dylan breathed in relief as Elder Harmon wasn't in the house to face his wrath.

He was thinking if Aarvi would meet him again the next day or what the new daybreak would bring when he had dozed off in exhaustion.