No Blood But Brain

"Dylan, demand my position if I have to step down. You have more experience. You are more well-deserved than Aeon." His compliment was just to lure the man.

Nevertheless, Leon had no idea what Dylan was planning behind his back.

Dylan was momentarily surprised but he controlled his expression and hid the sly smirk while he was appearing to be shocked and flustered, "No, no, no, brother Leon, what are you speaking? How could I? I am good as your assistant."

Leon truly didn't want the worst case to arise. If Dylan takes the seat, he could use the resources of Harmon Industries and take back the power whenever the time is right. Dylan was his partner in crime so if Dylan dares to disobey him, Leon could just threaten him to get everything back. That was his plan. He didn't trust Dylan but at the current moment, Dylan was more suitable and controllable.