A Devil Among Demons

Aarvi unlocked Sanders's phone by the face recognition on his phone. She pointed to Martin's mobile screen to everyone and called the recent number on Sanders's phone. 

Martin gritted his teeth. His dialogue to waver them came sooner. So was taking each step after deliberating over his attacks. 

Aarvi pointed both the mobiles to everyone as she slowly walked. Martin hadn't saved the number, whereas Sanders had saved as 'new boss.'

"What are you trying to say, President Evans?" A person questioned.

Aarvi hung up the call and opened the inbox on Sanders's phone. She passed the mobile to the shareholders as she spoke about her actions. "I am very sure you all heard President Harmon mentioning, there are ears who would report things outside this hall."

Leon's back stiffened. Aarvi was hitting two birds with a stone. She was saving Dylan and throwing Martin out using the words he uttered a few minutes back.