A Finest Wine to the Table

Nikun got ready and left with the villa towards the city center. He was curious and also wary thinking about it. He gave up the idea of asking Aaron who will never spoil his wife's plans.

At some point, he noticed the driver check his mobile and take a U-turn. So he asked, "Where are we going right now?"

"To a hotel, Mr. Morris." The driver responded respectfully but didn't mention a name.

HIs mobile beeped. It was a message from Aarvi, [Brother Nick, make sure you keep the case details confidential.]

'Weird,' he thought. Why would he speak about the case with anybody? 

He shrugged his thoughts and patiently waited. If Aarvi arranged something, then it must be worth the wait. He believed it.

The car slowly came to a stop in front of Mocon's most luxurious seven-star hotel. If Nikun was just anybody, he would have taken a glance around, but being a son of a hotelier, this hotel was like nothing.