The Beginning of New Game

After the reception, the guests dispersed and the Rivas family went home. Shawn and Shea went to drop the couple at the airport. Meanwhile, Milo Wen was hiding in the car as he couldn't hide his anxiety like Shawn. 

Once the newly wedded couple left, Shawn turned to Shea, "Darling, go home and rest. I have some work to attend to, so I will be home late." He quickly kissed her forehead and jogged to the car where Milo Wen was waiting.

Shea wanted to ask why he didn't speak about the issue with her. She wanted to ask, but stopping him now would delay him so she watched him sit inside the car and the car left immediately.

She could only hope nothing was serious. She fetched her mobile from her handbag and dropped him a message, [Take care. Come home soon.] More than her, he was tired after looking after the arrangements of the wedding.

The quick response she always got didn't come this time. She got in the car and the driver took her to the Rivas mansion.