
Hearing the familiar name after two decades triggered the crude memories of his past. If his memory serves correct, Francis was sure Ruth Vaughan, her husband, and his son died in the firehouse. But why did Enzo tell Ruth is still alive?

''Do you know Enger?'' Devin demanded Francis with question after question. ''Who is this woman Ruth Vaughan? What relationship do you have with her?''

The room fell into complete silence. Arnold and Fredrick were as shocked as Francis, for they knew the ruckus the woman created in the past. Completely clueless were Devin and Kurt, exchanging looks at each other.

''It's time you should spill it, Francis.'' Enzo provoked.

Francis's eyes met Devin's eager eyes. Taking a deep breath, he started. ''Ruth Vaughan went to the same University of Heather and Evelyn.''

Nearly two decades ago....