
Chapter 43

"When I was young my Father was assigned to a training squadron that was based, in his native land." Good Lord, it seems so long ago. " He went right to his ancestral home in a part of my world known as Colombia, in the city of Medellin."

"Is your world divided?" That's a good question is my world divided, should I tell her that there are nearly two hundred countries.

"Yes, there are many nations on the Earth, which is why there have been many conflicts." Well this ain't a history lesson so back to my tale. "But, one day I was playing a game and for some reason I thought it was a good idea, to climb to the roof of my house."

"That doesn't sound very safe. Here Majah-tu children are taught to be obedient and they will not do something like that." Well that's why you are you and we are we.

"Yeah, well on Earth the children are not that controlled and they can have adventures while growing up." She tilts her head with interest with what I have to say. "Most of the construction there is very old and the houses are connected with a common walls on ether side, but there was one house that was separate from this design with a six foot gap maybe even a bit more."

Jahní is quietly listening to my story I hope I'm not boring her. "You know I stood there indecisive of wether I should jump across or not. You don't realize how big a gap it is until your three floors above the ground." She looks down smiling about ready to laugh. "Well, thats were I was at that moment. I wanted to piss my pants, but I summoned my courage taking a running start I jumped."

She sits waiting for me to finish my story, but I stay quiet taking a sip of my drink and I smile. Jahní looks at me confused. "What happened? Did you get across?"

I look at her enjoying her reaction to being left in suspense, but I can't be that mean to her. "I made it to the other side unhurt, that's when I realized that when there is a will..."

"There's a way." She finishes my sentence and I sit back in the chair nodding. "That's why you never give up or let anything stop you isn't it?" Well, there's a bit more to it.

"That was the beginning for me to take more leaps of faith and move on, from one goal to the next." I remember when I entered the academy; it was that same attitude that got me through even when I wanted to give up. "I stay focused and finish. Maybe not top or first, but I finish completing my mission."

Jahní stands up and I try to get up, But she puts a hand on my shoulder sitting on my lap. "I never was the adventurous type when I was young. I always played it safe." She puts her forehead to mine and we look right into each others eyes. "You had the strength to carry on even when I wanted to give up, you helped me push through."

I put my arm around her waist and bring her a little closer, and I rest my head on her chest. She starts to run her fingers through my hair and I feel myself relax closing my eyes. My mind begins to wander and I see a Golden lake where I am lying down on a blanket on the grassy spot near the lake, with my head on her lap. I'm dosing, but not quite asleep while she runs her finger through my hair. I look up at her and it's my eternal love.

Not like Jahní now much, much further back in time. This is the same soul and matchless beauty that is in Jahní, but in her true character. Her long red hair and fiery eyes very pale skin like Jahní. To when we first met in that place, which most of us refer to as heaven. I remember that it was an in a space between time; I had come to rest from my labors for a moment and she was there.

Her's was the new group of chosen that go to fulfill the will of God. She would never go alone from that moment on. Bahsara. She is Bahsara the Youngest. My bride from the where time has no meaning in the place without beginning or end. We loved each other upon sight and even when we go to do the work given to us we go together, always searching until we find one another.

Then we complete the task given to us. Our children fill the stars on planets without count, for time is like an endless ocean for us. We go from one place to another bearing children, fighting wars, bringing peace and sometime total destruction. We are the Eternals.

I hear a faint voice a whisper that gets closer each time until I can make it out. "Ant." I open my eyes slowly at first. As my vision clears I see my beautiful wife Jahní looking at me smiling. "You had a good vision and you whispered a name, an ancient name that belongs to my soul."

"Really?" She smiles touching my face. "It felt like I was there, at the lake."

"The Golden lake?"

My eyes open wide. "You've seen it to?"

She closes her eyes. "Yes, many times I've seen that place. It is most special for us, because it is where we first met so many Eons ago." When she opens her silver eyes they are far away in a place that only she and I remember, in that time of the spring of her youth when we met.

Our eyes lock and then we both are at the lake. I sit up and look at Jahní. "Is this real?" I touch the grass and it feels real, even the breeze that is blowing feels refreshing as it passes by. "This is the real place, but how?"

"Our souls yearn for this place always and we can on occasion retreat to this place, when we both desire it." It's jahní standing before me, but the intellect speaking is Bahsara. "Vlodorox, How I have missed you my love." She touches my face and I feel my mind open up as never before.

"Yes, I remember now. I have nothing to fear. It is I your husband both in life and in spirit." I can feel my minds eye open up and the clarity of everything is presented. "I know what I must do, though it troubles me in this present life."

She takes my hand bringing it to her lips kissing it. "You will find the right way to do what must be done, as you always have." As I always have; yes this is what I have to do, even if it bothers me now the reasons are not mine. We have to complete what is our mission. "We must return." The moment begins to fade and things around us darken and when our eyes open we are both lying on the ground together.

The servants are nervous and panicky, as we sit up looking around I no longer feel strange in my head. I know who I am and what needs to be done. There is something that I remember a sword that belongs to me, but it's missing. The house staff come up to us slowly. "What is wrong with all of you?" Jahní asks.

The older man steps up to us looking back at his fellow servants. "Well, my Lady It's that we found you both on the ground... but, you were surrounded by a pillar of light." he rubs his hands. "We were afraid to touch you for fear of being burned."

We look at each other. "Please, I must ask not to mention this to anyone. It would be bad if others find out." They look at me then at each other and they agree to not to speak of this with any one. Thank God.

The next day I'm on a shuttle heading up to the Helios, and as soon as we enter the Space doc I see the ship. My heart sinks at the damage done; even with the exterior repairs the scars on the hull are still visible. Today we meet the Majah-tu engineering team, that will be helping us with the work to be done.

We swing slowly to port to the shuttle bay; entering the ship I feel strangely at home here. Touching down softly I see crews at work on repairs, with welders to seal some pf the decking damage. God what a mess this still is. "Sir we're clear." I nod as the rear ramp opens. Walking while looking around at all the work yet to be done; the hatch opens and the Chief Engineer is waiting for me.

Extending my hand we shake. "Tom, how are things progressing?"

"Not nearly as fast as I would like. The core is not repairable Sir." I stop in mid stride looking at him. "We would have to dry dock and get a whole new unit." I put my hands on my hip looking to the deck. "We just can't do it here Sir."

"Are the Majah-tu Engineers here?

"Yes Sir, they are." He looks kind of upset.

"Spit it out Tom, this isn't the time to keep things bottled up." He looks around to make sure no one is listening.

"Captain the idea they're spouting out is a complete rebuild, while keeping the essence of it's primary design look." What in the hell!

"We didn't agree to any rebuild! I want to see these people now!" This is unacceptable! This is not the plan that we put together, with the King. We head down to the conference room next to the bridge. There they are pouring over the Heilos's blue prints; they all turn to me when I walk in. "Gentlemen, I have to ask with what authorization did you decided to rebuild the Helios.?"

They all look at one another. The one standing at the head of the table studies me, for a moment. "Captain, I must be frank with you. You ship, although a technological marvel in you world, here it is in the Stone Age."

I put my hands behind me and nod. "So what are your recommendations?"

He turns to his fellow Engineers and they are all in agreement. "In order for you ship to accommodate the power core that we will have to put in, the ships size has to increase by forty six percent. Or it simply will not work." My God, forty six percent. That's almost double the size of the original design.

"There is no way around this?" I'm trying to not have to do this. "No other options available?"

He shakes his head. "I'm afraid not Captain. If you want your ship to move again these are the requirements, plus the fold generator that will allow you to travel farther than your people ever dreamed of."

I turn to Tom and I can see some doubt, but there is also curiosity and excitement. "How long will this process take?"

They consult with each other for a few minutes, while they go back and forth in debate of the correct time frame. "Approximately six to eight months; taking into account the fact that we must disassemble the original, for there are things that can be used here."

Six to eight months not the best, but if we get an improved Helios out of this deal, then it's worth the wait. "Ok, we'll do it. But, my people will be involved directly in the work and they will become intimately familiar with all the systems."

"Of course Captain, it will be so." I look at them all and they are all extremely handsome as is the case for their people. Turning to Tom patting him on the arm I nod and he smiles satisfied with the results.