
Chapter 50

Jobahars and Nahaní return an hour later exactly. They step off the shuttle and Nahaní is armed with dual swords walking with smooth confidence, that makes me worried. Lahí is standing with her spear wearing a light armor that protects her chest, shoulders forearms and thighs.

I study Nahaní and her armor is a half breastplate, forearms and shins, but she has two swords that look deadly. They go to the center of the circle that was prepared for the battle; Lahí spins and twirls her spear, with the practice of a master. Nahaní draws her swords brandishing and dancing with them in a practiced smoothness. Though I notice a difference in skill level here with the advantage going to Lahí.

Lahí looks at Nahaní sizing her up. "This is your last chance to back down." Nahaní holds her head high smiling and suddenly it strikes me, that she looks a lot like Jahní. I study her some more, as they begin to circle each other looking for openings. Nahaní attacks first leading with one sword then following through with the other. It's all Lahí can do to fend her assault off and she falls back, then she thrust her spear forward forcing Nahaní to twist and fall back.

Lahí holds her spear over her head by the end of it keeping Nahaní back with its length. Now Lahí lunches her attack and it's brutal thrusting parrying spinning into a reverse strike that lands a solid blow to the abdomen causing Nahaní to fall to her knees. Nahaní now begins to realize just how out matched she is.

She regains her feet and falls back holding her middle. I turn to Jahní. "Does this have to happen?"

"She should have shown more respect to us." she's right no doubt. but will this prove anything in the end.

"Look at her Jahní, does she look familiar?" Jahní tilts her head studying Nahaní and suddenly her eyes open wide.

Lahí jumps thrusting her spear piercing Nahaní's leg causing her to scream in pain as Lah�� twist pulling it out. Just as she moves in for the kill Jahní shouts for her to stop. " Why?" Lahí asks.

Jahní trotts up to Nahaní standing in front of her she looks down at her, studying her face. "Where were you born?" Nahaní stays silent Just looking at Jahní, while holding her leg. "Answer me, because your life will depend on it."

Tears of pain and anger roll down Nahaní's face. "I was born on Green seven my dear cousin!"

Jahní steps back as if she got slapped. "Green... you are who's daughter?"

Nahaní hangs her head sobbing in pain, as blood gushes from her leg. Jahni rips the bottom of her dress kneeling to tend Nahaní's wound, but she pulls away. Jobahars is also at her side putting his arm around her shoulder saying something to her ear, and she calms down. She allows Jahní to tend her wound. "Who is your mother?"

Nahaní looks at Jahní shaking her head sadly speaking in Majah-tu, causing Jahní to snap her head up. Jahní intensely studies her face as she come to some kind realization of Nahaní's parentage. "Nahaní?"

"Do you remember now?" Jobahars Helps Nahaní stand and I help Jahní.

"Come to the medical wing our Doctor can heal your wound, please." Nahaní hesitates then she agrees to go. Lahí is standing next to Hal silently accepting the turn of events, but not pleased that this woman, no matter who she is was rude to Jahní.

I walk up to Lahí putting my hand on her shoulder. "That was a great fight. Your skills are amazing." She smiles broadly at the compliment bowing gratefully. I turn catching up to Jahní taking her hand. "So, what's going on?"

"She is my cousin. Her mother is my Aunt, my mother's sister." She quiet and pensive for a bit, while we reach the med wing. Once there Jahní stops before entering. 'I did not remember her and I feel ashamed for that laps of memory."

She's really down. "Well, lets think this over for a bit. When was the last time you saw her?" Jahní puts her hand on her forehead closing her eyes, and she sways a little. I grab hold of her waist keeping her steady. "Hey! Come on lets sit down and you can relax." I help her into a room getting her to sit down.

She shake her head then she looks at sad and perplexed. "We almost killed my cousin for prides sake." She puts her face in her hands. "How would I have faced my Aunt after being responsible, for her daughters death."

"But you didn't because you listened to me, to my counsel and that makes the difference." Jahní seems to accept this. "You didn't follow your customs, as you would have done blindly before."

She looks at her hands. "It was you with your sharp eyes and quick wit that saved us from disaster." Jahní touches my face. "Thank you." Taking her hand I kiss it holding it to my face.

"Come on. I think your cousin is waiting for you."

We walk into the treatment room and the Doctor is finishing up with Nahaní's leg giving her instruction on proper care, so that no scar will show. This Doctor is good. He saved Jahní and our child and now he taken care of a serious injury quickly and efficiently.

He sees us and bows to us. "My Princess it is good to see you, and you as well Captain." He pats Nahaní on the arm and leaves the room, as Lahí and Hal enter. They both take a seat off to the left; Jahní walks up to her cousin looking at her.

"Well Princess, what do see." Nahaní's question is pointed, because she must resemble Jahní's mother side of the family. "It's true what they say that you took a human for your pledged." She looks at me scrutinizing me intently, searching for what seems... flaws. "You, human. Do you really think you deserve to be by my cousins side?"

Jahní jumps at her question, however I put my hand on her arm. "It's not the right question I think." She tilts her head listening to me, not liking me at all. "It Should be why we are together? But, I don't have to answer that since you don't have to know the why."

She lifts her chin arrogantly. "You humans I've heard are uppity, thinking you can stand up to your betters." Wow, she is from the Farmer cast and she feel like this? Boy, this is going to be a long road to acceptance.

"On my world I was born into a lower class, but my Father worked hard and became an officer in the UEA military and a tremendous fighter pilot." She seem skeptical at my statement. Jobahars on the other hand is intrigued with my story. "I fought in the final strokes of the Unification war and lead my own fighter squadron, from one victory to the next." I remember all the men who gave full measure for their world.

She looks away from me and focuses on Hal. "What is your story human?"

Hal stands up, but Lahí takes his hand. "He does not have to justify himself to you."

"It's alright honey." He comes over looking at Nahaní square in the eyes. "I'm Gunnery Sergeant Hal Wilcox UEA Marine Corps, and I've been in the Corps for twenty years and have been a Life taker and a Heart breaker, for my entire career." She looks at him and pulls back a bit from the Gunny. "Are you worried over me? I will give no reason to be unless you try to do something to mine."

"How crude." Hal just shrugs off her comment.

Lahí step behind Hal linking her arm to his, which Nahaní picks up on right away. "Princess Lahí what is this man to you that you act so familiar with him?"

Lahí smiles at her innocently. "That is not your concern cousin, this is a matter of a private nature." Lahí looks up to Hal with love and affection, making Nahaní blush as she looks away. I can see that she has a quick and sharp intellect, because I think she has figured out that Hal and Lahí are together.

"Tell me Nahaní," She looks to me. "What would you do if you knew the things that are happening in the royal family?" Nahaní is reflecting on my question trying I think, to give a clever response.

"I... can only surmise that the young Princess is pledged with that man there, simply by observing the way she looks at him. As well as his reaction to her advances." I knew it. sharp as a tack.

I rub my chin pacing the floor looking at Jobahars. I'm sure he picked up on it as well, being pirates they are cunning exploiters of anything that smells like profit. If I were in his place this is something that I would keep under my hat until the right moment, to hit the royal family holding them hostage with knowledge.

"Mr. Jobahars." He turns to me and I can see the animosity he holds towards me. "What about you Sir what will you do with any knowledge regarding the royal Majah-tu family?"

He acts hurt by the meaning behind the question. "It pains me that you have any doubt about my integrity." He strikes me as a... pirate, lier and the charlatan he is. Untrustworthy. Nahaní on the other hand gives off an air of trust, so I know she will not use this against her cousins.

I look at one of the guards that is by door and I nod my head towards him and he walks in with his partner. "Please escort Mr. Jobahars outside of the medical wing please." Jobahars doesn't like this one bit, but he decides that it would be better not to fight against the two large Majah-tu guards. He shoots me a parting glance filled with anger and the desire for vengeance.

Nahaní looks at me in wonder. "What about me? I'm with him as well."

"That is true." I walk back to Jahní's side studying Nahaní for a second. "I get the feeling that you would not betray your cousins if we told anything about them, am I right?"

She looks at Jahní and Lahí sighing. "You understand us rather well Captain, I'm impressed with your ability to discern between myself and Jobahars." She makes direct eye contact with me. "Are all humans as clever as you?"

"I can only answer for myself. I'm a very suspicious person by nature, so I think from that point of view." She nods knowing what I mean.

Jahní steps to her side holding her hand smiling. "Please forgive me for not recognizing you sooner."

Nahaní returns her smile. "No forgive me for being so presumptuous towards you both."

Lahí comes up to her. "I'm not as trusting as Jahní, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt." Nahaní inclines her head to Lahí in respect. "I will trust you with knowledge that can hurt me if it becomes known outside of this room." Lahí glances back to Hal and he nods the ok and she smiles. "You're right we, that is Hal and I are pledged to each other."

Nahaní eyes open wide that her observation was proven right on the money. "I... why have the two of you chosen to pledge yourselves to... humans. No offense meant Captain, but your world is a back water."

Lahí smiles from ear to ear. "They are good and kind to their wives. Well, at least these two men are good to us." Lahí blushes at a memory. "They are passionate... in... well."

Nahaní puts her hand up. "I understand." She looks at Hal and me. "Jahlahín tell me, but when we can talk more of this." Jahní nods and looks to me and I put my hand up in surrender.

"We can talk later. Now you must rest some." Nahaní bows to Jahní in respect as the oldest Princess. well I guess that's one less problem to worry over for now.