
Chapter 52

We arrive back at our home on Majah Prime and I breathe in the cold mountain air; God it's good to be home. The staff is waiting for us bowing and receiving all of our gear, turning around I see Jahní walking hand in hand with a four year old girl. Jobahars daughter, who will be staying with us for an undetermined amount of time.

I have mixed feeling about the whole thing, but damn it, she's cute as a button and I couldn't say no. I wait for them at the door allowing them to enter first, as Jahní walks by she smile at me knowing how I felt before. Marleia, that's her name. Her skin is red like Jobahars, though not as red as his .

I get down on one knee looking at her in the face. "Marleia, this is your new home." I extend my arms and she jumps into them. Thats how she did it to me, she won my heart by her Childs innocence. I pick her up and walk to the sitting room with her taking to the window and showing her the view, of the capitol city. "That's where the King lives sweetie, right over there." I point to the palace and Marleia seems to hang on every word I say.

"The King." She repeats.

I look at her Smiling. "That's right, the King. It's his home, just like this is your home now."

She looks down at her hands. "Papa is King to."

I nod half smiling at her. "Yeah, Papa is a King as well." Yeah he's a 'King' alright; of thieves and cut throats. He pawned off his daughter, so she would grow up proper and not be a hunted criminal. One day she's gonna want to know who her real father is, and what are we supposed to do lie? No, we're not.

Jahní comes up and puts her arm around my waist resting her head on my shoulder. "What's troubling you Ant?" Can't hide anything from her.

"We'll talk later about that. Right now lets just enjoy this peace we have." Jahní agrees and we just watch the the bustling capitol for a bit, and Marleia falls asleep. I take her to the room we had the staff set up for her putting her into the toddler bed, that is there now. I cover her so she doesn't get cold and I step out closing the door behind me.

I go find Jahní, who is sitting in the library reading a book from the shelf. "Jahní, you know I don't think your friend Jobahars has truly thought this all the way to it's logical conclusion."

She closes the book turning her attention to me. "What conclusion would that be?"

I sit next to her putting my arm around her shoulder, as she scoots closer. "One day she will ask for her father, and we will have to tell her who he is."

She puts her head on my shoulder considering my words. We both know that he is not going to come back for her, because he just dumped off a liability. "I have thought about it, though it pains me to think of it, but the day she chooses to go find him we cannot stop her."

That's right and I know it will happen. We've only had her for a week and already we've become attached to that cute little girl. Well, I guess we'll jump off that bridge when we get to it.

The next day I'm speeding up to the spaceport in shuttle two and my mind races through all the possible scenario's, that could come in our direction. I get up and put my head into the cockpit, as we enter the port and there she is the Helios. She has lines that are... human. Her size now puts her in the running with any ship here. "Can we board her safely now?"

The pilot nods. "Yes Sir, the shuttle bay is fully functional."

"Get us in there please." The Pilot starts to contact the shuttle bay control center and starts to swing the us to the bay door. Alright, lets see the progress of the ship on the inside. We enter touching down lightly on the deck, while the shuttle ramp opens. I step out and look around at the remarkable work that's been done here.

"Captain on deck!" Everyone in the bay stands at attention, which I just can't get used to.

"As you were." everyone returns to what they were doing. I spot my EXO, so I walk over to him. "Sam." I extend my hand grasping his shaking it. "Want to fill me in on the on what's been accomplished."

"Well Sir, things are way ahead of schedule. In another three weeks she'll be ready for a shake down cruise." This is amazing! I can't believe how fast the Majah-tu can build their ships, and this is a ship of the line. Earths future is here, on this vessel. I touch the bulk head and the metal is different than anything I've ever touched, it is not of Earth. I can feel the power behind this ship and the incredible, as well as terrifying technology behind it.

"Tell me Sam, where's our Chief engineer?" He explains that things have been rough between him and the Majah-tu engineers. "That's not what I wanted to hear Sam."

He looks perplexed. "I completely understand Sir, but the indigenous personnel are a handful sometimes."

I nod smiling at his comment about the Majah-tu Referring to them as indigenous personnel to confuse those who's English is not as strong. "I see. I would like to find Mr. Bocage and have a word with him."

"Yes Sir, Last I heard he was in the bridge." I Thank him and head for the bridge following the signs, and I step in looking around spotting him sitting with his feet up studying the new technical manual. That I'm sure he had a hand in putting together.

"Is it a good read Mr. Bocage?" He practically jumps out of his chair standing at attention.

"Welcome aboard Sir." I wave a dismissive hand, which makes him relax. "So Captain, how was the trip?"

I raise my eye brows, at his question. "It was interesting to say the least." I walk up to him shaking his hand. "I've heard that you've had a running feud with the Majah-tu team."

He sits back down looking out of the main view port letting out a breath. "They are such sticklers for everything! I don't mind it when it come to the construction of the ship!" He balls his fists up a bit. "But, they want to get involved with things that truly don't concern them."

"Such as?"

"Well, they wanted to see the ships log, the engineering log so on and so forth. They even wanted to get into the personnel files! That's when I put my foot down!" He's really agitated.

"You did the right thing Tom, Keeping them away from that information that is not their business." He seems to accept this and calms down. "Any reason for the need to get this info?" I mean lets get real here, what are they looking for? That is private information that has nothing to do with the reconstruction, of the Helios.

"Well, fill me in on some of the new features of the ship." Tom comes to life as he begins to explain how the new core works and the incredible power out put it has, and how all the systems have been upgraded. He's in his element when he talks about the Helios and to be honest, I don't understand half the things he talks about.

He pauses realizing he's gone in a direction beyond my comprehension, as the Captain of the ship. "Well, It's like a whole new ship now and everyone will have to get to know her all over again."

Yeah, I know that we have to go through all that process again. I have to do it as well, which is not thrilling to contemplate. "I'll work on the training schedule with Sam this week and start getting guys in here ASAP, to learn the new functions of the Helios."

"Yes Sir, I'll wait for it and we'll go from that point." I nod and say my goodbyes heading to my quarters. After a couple of wrong turns I find it. I step into my quarters and they are larger than they were before. Two people can actually sleep on this bed without a problem. I smile remembering the Majah-tu tradition for ship captains, and I wonder how things are on Earth right now.

I sit down at the desk. Turning on the small lamp and look at the way the ship is built compared to the Morning star, that although is a ship of war, she has a warmth about her that this girl doesn't. I think we should allow the crew members to decorate their room as they see fit.

I figure it's time to start bringing back all the equipment that we took to the surface, and get this girl ready to head home. Especially now that she has a fold generator. We can get back to Earth almost in a single jump, that's the most amazing part of this ship. That technology alone will transform the future for the human race.

I stand up inspecting the bathroom and it's also larger. Frankly I always felt that this place was cramped, but now I think it will be just fine.


As time moves ever onward the crew is running systems training to get to know the new Helios, and all the inner workings of the ship. I step out of the shuttle and Jahní is there waiting for me; I walk to her taking her hand kissing it, as we head to the door of our house. Once inside Marleia runs up to me and I scoop her up. "So have you been behaving while I've been gone?"

She vigorously agrees with me. I look at Jahní and she laughs at me carrying Marleia around the house and the staff seems so happy, with having a child to help tend. I can only imagine when our baby is born, and how they will rally around two children in the house.

Jahní looks at me, as we all sit in the sitting room. "How are things in the ship?"

I think back at everything we've been through and the scheduled shake down cruise that's coming up in a week or so. "Things are progressing exactly as they should and soon we'll be heading out on our shake down where all the problems will be worked out."

Jahní looks down at her hands. "Ant." She looks up to me. "I would like to go on that cruise with you, please."

I never thought about it, since back home we don't practice that. "Well, I don't know. I mean it's only a few weeks and we would be back." She looks down and I can feel her mood become sad. "Is it that important to you?"

"It is our way, our tradition." How do I fight tradition?

"Ok, But you are not in command. You can't issue any orders on an Earth military vessel."

She folds her arms looking down at Marleia, who is playing on the floor. "I would never do such a thing, after all I would be a guest." She hides her eyes from me, and move closer to her.

"You will do as I ask, right?" Jahní is still avoiding my eyes. "I'm going to have to take drastic measures." I close in and start to tickle her and she starts to laugh hold ing her belly, and I show her no mercy as I continue. We carry on for a bit playing and laughing, as some of the staff peek into the room to see what's going on.

I stop for second. "Will you do what I ask?"

She puts her arms around my neck. "I promise that I will behave like a good little girl." We share a kiss, while little Marleia giggles at us. This will be an interesting trip.