
Chapter 56

I never saw that land before,

And now can never see it again;

Yet, as if by acquaintance hoar

Endeared, by gladness and by pain,

Great was the affection that I bore

I never saw that land before.

Edward Thomas


I'm sitting on the front terrace of the large main ranch house, and the sky I clear without a cloud. I feel more than hear someone's presence behind me; I turn and the younger male is standing there staring at me.

I study him for a minute and he's just standing there. "Is there something I can help you with?"

He tilts his head to one side. "Yes you can. How did you fool my cousin into pledging herself with you."

He is frank with his thoughts. "I didn't fool anyone into anything. That is not my way, nor do I have to resort to such things."

He chuckles. "No, I suppose she was very easy like they say those royals are." I feel the heat rise in my ears at his vile remark.

"Is that what you've heard cousin?" We both look down the other end of the terrace, as Jahní steps through the door on that end. "I must make things clear. I am not 'EASY' as you may have heard, but as I recall you were not the brightest of my family here."

He frowns at her and folds his arms across his broad chest. "Is that so?"

She nods. "Yes that is the way I remember it!"

Then this big guy begins to laugh and to my surprise Jahní begins to laugh as well, which confuses me. Then I think about it for a moment. These two used to spend a lot of time together. Then he extends his arms and they embrace each other still laughing.

"Forgive me Captain." He bows to me. "You are a good man, as far as I can sense from you." He looks at Jahní. "Though, it's just to easy to pick on you."

Ah... so that's it. "Well, that was funny yeah... funny." Jahní comes to me hugging me to apologize and make peace. I know I shouldn't feel bad, but I kind of do. "It's all good Jahní. I'm just getting used to this side of you."

She puts her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her waist. "Are you sure?"

I smile at her. "I didn't know you had such a funny bone like that."

Her cousin laughs. "We Majah-tu do have a sense of humor Captain. Though, in the capital many can be very stuffy."

"We are not so stuffy!" Her cousin smiles. "Oh by Ant, this is Bomahn-tahúr; he is the oldest of my cousins."

I extend my hand properly greeting him, and he takes it firmly. This man is strong. "Glad to know your name finally."

Jahní looks at her cousin and there is a bit I sadness in her face. "I saw Nahaní. What happened?"

"She had a terrible fight with Grandfather and the next day she left." He looks down sadly. "I had no idea she had found a transport off world; I blamed Grandfathers stubbornness." He walks up to the railing leaning on it. "He did not approve of her choice for pledging, and this was burning in her until it burst."

I stand by Jahní and I focus in on her. Are you sure you want to tell him where she is? She side glances at me; Ok I get it the importance of this news, but she's not in a bad place yet.

She puts a hand on her cousin's shoulder to try and lessen the impact. "She has pledged herself to a notorious pirate."

He closes his eyes letting his head hang for a bit; This is not good news for him or for the rest of the family, to know that Nahaní is wed to that Jobahars.

"Well." He straightens up and turning to us. "The two of you... protect each other and above all respect and love one another; that is the key to your longevity as pledged."

He's old enough to be married, but I see no evidence of a wife with him. "If you're wondering if I am pledged? The answer is yes I was." He looks at me. "She died in an accident two cycles ago."

What.? That is terrible. "I'm sorry for your loss. I was wondering, but please don't be upset."

"I'm fine Captain, it is better now." He pats my shoulder. "I've got to tend some farm business, but I will return soon." He inclines his head to us and leaves.

I turn to Jahní and she is in near tears. "What's wring?"

"I knew his pledged. She was a good, kind person." I wonder why he hasn't found someone else.

I sit on the rail. "Is it difficult to find a new love when you lose your first one?"

She sits on the rail next to me and takes my hand. "You humans have a great capacity to heal much faster than we do, since your lives are shorter than ours." I never thought of it that way. "It takes us much more time to heal especially since the pledge is somewhat different in our two societies."

I fidget with my ring thinking of how I can feel her heart beat, and the warmth of her body always. To suddenly lose that from your life... a shiver runs down my spine. I don't know how I would handle that, or how Jahní would handle it if I was to die.

I don't want to think about it right now. "I can see your point of how difficult it must be." I look at her taking her hand in mine. "I will do what I can to come back to you, so you don't have to live through that so soon."

She puts her hand on her mouth and suppresses a whimper; I've never heard her do that before, so I stand in Front of her holding her shoulders. She looks me in the eyes. " I cannot begin to think of that time when you are not by my side..."

I feel a tightness in my throat, but this is silly because I'm here now. However, I can tell that for them death of their partner is something devastating; maybe even more so than the human experience.

"Jahní." She looks up at me. "Let's not think about that now. We have many years to live before that time."

Jahní reaches for me holding on tightly to me. "You're right. We should focus on the now."

"Yeah. Lets live the moment because life is made up

of moments. Happy ones, sad ones and bad ones. But, let's live them together, without worrying about the parting." I wipe the tears from her face and she laughs softly, at herself.

"You must think that I'm silly, for letting my emotions show unnecessarily." I chuckle a bit. "You must agree with me."

I shake my head. "No way. I just don't want this to be the train of thought that dominates our daily conversations, so let's just enjoy the time we have."

She puts her head to mine and smiles, which is reassuring for me. I hold her close softly singing a song that I know she likes into her ear, and I start to lead her as we dance. For my time... when ever that happens, but until then I will work to keep her as happy as possible, it's all I can do.


The evening comes and we are all seated, in what I would say is the family room. Her Grandfather is in the center speaking, as Jahní translates everything for me. He introduces me to the rest of the family who live in and around the area.

There must be some over a hundred people here, sitting quietly listening. Everyone takes a moment to look at me, but remain silent while the family patriarch is speaking. He then asks them to voice their opinion or concerns about me. I'm not so sure I like the sound of that.

One male stands up looking directly at me, and says something short, but by Jahní's reaction it must not have been nice. A female down on the other side rebukes him for his callous remark. At least I have one apparent allí.

Jahní stands up and says something in their language, that cause a few of them to rise up aggressively. I also notice a few dirty looks from some of them. "So, you think because you're a warrior in your world it gives the right to pledge to our Princess?"

I turn and a female is standing by the wall waring what resembles an old western Duster coat. "I don't understand by what you mean 'Right.' We've had nothing but an up hill battle this whole time, so don't tell me what it is I think."

She smirks. "He's uppity as well. Probably a royal from Earth." What the hell is it with these people and just who do they think I am? Jahní puts a hand on my arm to stop me.

Jahní stands up and all of them go silent. "Ant, my pledged is not anything like that. He is a soldier for his world, and a brave soul."

She glances at me. "He is a loving husband and a bit over protective, and he likes to teach me things from his world. He is patient and loves to sing to me, when he gets the chance." Jahní blushes as she speaks of those things to them.

I look at the others, and the women are all bushing as well. Even the one in the Duster looks away from me, but she turns back to me. "You've made the Princess blush! You should be ashamed!"

I look at her and she must be out of her mind. "How is that my fault?"

"Well, you are her pledged so she must be thinking of you for her to have that reaction." I turn and see another woman, who had been silent up to this moment. "After all her thoughts were about you... you primitive!"

"Hey now! That's a bit harsh don't you think?" To be called a primitive is not right!

Jahní puts her hand up and they all stop once more. "Please do not insult my pledged he does not deserve it." They all look at her and incline their heads in respect of her.

The Grandfather stands and Jahní sits to give him the floor. "I have spoken to the King and he gives high praise of this man. So we will give all the curtesy that is required of his station." Everyone of them turn to me rising bowing to Jahní and me.

This was unexpected, but it's better than being attacked constantly. I'm now part of the family.