
Chapter 59

I sit next to Jahní, while she rest in bed. She didn't want to, but I had her get some rest in bed. I watch her; as she breathes easily. For all her arguing about not being tired she fell asleep in less than five minutes, and I sit here smiling in amusement. Jahní has a stubborn streak in her that seems to run in her family.

I hear someone arrive downstairs at the door, so I get up silently and head there to see who it is. When I get there Hal and Lahí are there being greeted by one of the maids, who turns to me bowing. I incline my head thanking her for her being diligent in her duty.

Hal is in his utilities, which I'm still in myself I chucky inside. It's good to see Hal and Lahí again, since they remained behind. "Gunny, Lahí. It's good to see friendly faces."

I extend my hand and he takes it, and I hug Lahí. Happy reunions; I explain to them what happened today. "That royal pain in the ass came here! Eh!" Hal has an angry look in his eye. "That Son of a..." he glances at Lahí who is quietly listening and looking down. "Well, our of respect for my lady I'll refrain from any colorful language, but you understand Skipper."

"Where is my sister?" Her voice is hushed and somewhat sad.

I look at Hal and he shakes his head. "What's going on here?" Lahí looks at me. "My brother has threatened to expose my pledging to Hal."


Hal takes in a slow breath. "That... guy is preparing for something and Lahí discovered something, but she won't tell me what it is." I turn to her and she looks away.

I rub my chin. "It has something to with the Barhalmahní threat right?" She remains silent. "He's in league with them. I should've known his visit wasn't a coincidence." He straight up and came to see my mind set and gauge me. He'll probably report what he saw in me to who ever his contact is. Well, a least now we know who the traitor is, but this is all useless without proof or a witness. "You heard something, or witnessed him committing a treasonous act, so he has threatened Hal."

She turns to me with a tear rolling down her face. "He will kill Hal if I say anything to Father... these are strange times we live in Antonio and I will not let Hal, Jahní or you be harmed."

I put my hands behind me and start to pace; think Ant, think. No plan is one hundred percent full proof; there's alway a chink in the armor. This will require some thought though and without Lahí cooperating, it won't matter. "Neither of you are safe. I'm sure that a convenient accident can occur here as well."

I rub my chin some more. "The two of will stay aboard the Helios. Lahí will be our guest, and that take her out of harms way. Gunny, we need an experienced hand with the Marines these days on the Helios."

Hal nods in agreement, but Lahí doesn't seem to happy. "I do not wish to hide on board your ship to avoid danger!" She folds her arm stubbornly; like I said before, hard heads. "I am a Princess of the Majah-tu and of the Warrior cast! We do not cower in fear!"

Yeah, well. "Listen, I know it goes against your code to act covertly, but on my world many battles are fought and won in the shadows."

She frowns at me disgusted at the thought of fighting underhandedly. "Fighting in the dark by killing from behind is without honor!"

I incline my head to her. "That is correct, but you said it yourself these are different days from your history, so it demands new tactics to be used in order to win the war."

Lahí turns away trying to ignore me. "My people do know how to fight that way, but that is the of the mahal-to the industrial cast."

That's good to hear. "That means that you will have to employ the assistance of that cast..."

"Silence!" She turns back around angrily. "We will not stoop down to that level to be thieves in the night!"

"Why not?"

We all turn to the top of the stairs and Jahní is standing there looking at us. "Why can we not fight the way our enemies do.?" So, she's been there for a bit. "They have no qualms about using those type of tactics, so we should not have them either."

She comes down. "They will not hesitate to use spies or assassins to reach there aims; why should we be any different?" She's standing in front of Lahí, who is silent, as Jahní speaks. "Yes, it's true that our cast operates with an unyielding code of honor, but there are those who do not even within our people."

Lahí looks down unhappy. "How do we lower ourselves to those standards of the Industrial cast and what of our cast's way?"

Jahní puts a hand on her sisters shoulder. "I've learned a few things in the time I've been with Ant. We adapt or we die. That is our choice Lahí." Jahní glances at me and I smile at her. "I for one choose to adapt and I think Father will do so as well."

Hal is nodding as well. "I've been trying to tell her that for weeks, but Lahí can be real stubborn when she wants to be."

"I... don't want to lose our identity, to those who practice such terrible techniques to win." She really seems upset at the thought, of fighting like they do.

"I feel that we will not survive as we are now."

"You won't." They all look at me. "But, it's better to live with change than not live at all."

Lahí looks at me sadly. "Is it?"

"Yes it is." I rub my chin pacing the floor. "Our enemies are your enemies as well; we are fighting the same people, as in the past it is our old foe."

Jahní, Hal and Lahí all stare at me like I'm not all there. When I realize that I spoke like I've lived through this before. Jahní smiles as she knows what just happened. "Yes, he's right about that. These are old enemies we are facing without any scruples, to achieve victory."

Hal smiles. "Damn straight! We need to stomp them before they do it to us!"

I'm more in control of my thoughts now. "You got that right Gunny, and we have to get out there and get them to expose themselves."

Jahní turns to me. "We need to speak to Father to strategize a plan involving the Industrial cast's spying net work."

Now we're talking serious themes. "Hey, why don't we go and sit at the table and sketch out a rough plan, to present the King." They all agree and we move on to the dinning room.


The King is listening to our hastily hatched out plan, but we want his input on refining it. However, he is sitting there quietly without a word and that is making me nervous. "Father?" Jahní try's to get her Father to say something.

The King stands up walking to the window putting his hands behind his back. "I knew the day would come that we would have to employ shadow strategy, but I wish it would have after I was gone." He takes in a deep breath letting out slowly. "I can see no other way to achieve a true tactical victory against our enemies."

I clear my throat. "Yes your Highness; I can't see another way to gain the upper hand at this time." He turns to me specifically and points his finger at me. "Your people have lived this kind of warfare for a very long time correct?"

"I can't deny it; it's true. My people have been warring amongst ourselves for as long as we have existed." He he puts his hand down looking at me with great respect.

He looks at Jahní and smiles at his eldest daughter. "You chose well my child. Your pledged comes form a world that has been at war for ages." He sits back down folding his hands. "So, your plan requires you to use your ship as bait, to draw out the enemy from among us. Are you certain of the tact?"

"It's the only way, since they already kind of set themselves up for it." He nods at this. "Since they are expecting us to hide and not go out, we'll do the exact opposite of what they believe about us."

Jahní lightly touches my arm. "It will also prevent an attack at the space port freeing up our fleet as well."

The King leans forward in deep thought not smiling at all. "I will be honest, I have some reservations about this whole scheme." He looks at me once more. "Are you certain that you and your crew can accomplish this trick?"

Talk about shooting a vision down, and making you feel incompetent. "We will pull this off, and help expose the traitor." He exhales and relents giving us his blessing to go and begin operations.