"So I should just let it bite me next time?"

She didn't have a hangover, but embodying someone else and keeping her story straight in her head all night had drained her. The journey from the stairs to the dining room alone seemed to take forever.

Kelly and Anthony were already at the table where a plate was laid out for her. "Sit, dear."

"Thank you," Jemina took a fork and stabbed the eggs. "The cooking's amazing."

"Thanks," Anthony took another bite. "We should probably get our stories aligned."

Straight to the point.

"Right. I'm Eva Sorrentino, 22, and taking a gap year off my junior summer to visit my aunt and uncle. I used to live in Georgia before living in Maine."

"How much of that is true, dear?"

"The where-I-used-to-live part."

She nodded, but Anthony answered. "It's easier to keep a story straight when it's the truth. Draw from your own life. Except for stuff like the FBI—they don't need to know that."

"Remember, dear, your cover is to make sure they don't recognize you, or, in your case, to attract someone. It doesn't have to be awfully complicated."

"Thank you."

Kelly winked. "Ours is that we moved here from Mississippi to outrun some legal trouble. We decided to get involved with the mafia to shield us from the inevitable arrests of a career criminal."

"Nice," Jemina praised.

Anthony grunted. "We have a mafioso family dinner tonight. You're coming."

Jemina nodded. The rest of the breakfast was silent. She didn't really feel like making conversation, and the other two seemed content with that.

Kelly stood up. "See you tonight, everyone. I'll be back at five."

Once she was gone, Jemina turned to Anthony. "Where is she going?"

"Work. She doesn't have the same benefits as I do in the Cosa Nostra. She isn't a made man. You won't be either. You should get a job too."


Bracing breezes threatened to tear the resumés out of Jemina's hands as she walked through the city's downtown.

On the window of a brightly colored shop, a green flyer was posted. Now Hiring!

A bell tinkled as she walked in. The worker smiled as she handed her resumé and told her to wait for a call in 2-5 business days.

Once she was back, walking on the hard pavement, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She had only given it to one person—Anthony, this morning. So, guess who it turned out to be?

"Be back in fifteen minutes. The Milanesi's is in an hour."

There wasn't any time to say anything before the dial tone made her pull the phone away.

She understood his abrasiveness towards her. If an even younger agent than her was sent to help her, she would take it as an insult. She couldn't fault Anthony for doing the same.

She did, however, think that was a stupid thing to hold on to, especially if the partnership was bound to last half a year.

Anthony just needed to come to his senses before she decided to beat it out of him.

Laughing at herself, she kicked another rock. Like she could take down that mammoth of a man...well, maybe if she went for his legs. Yeah, if she went for his legs.

Another flyer caught her eye, and she made a detour to hand in her resumé.

Hopefully, one of these shops would call her.

Guess she would just have to wait.


Impressive botanical gardens hugged the grand house. Laughter tinkled between the various groups of people walking in. Jemina slapped a mosquito that landed on her.

"Don't do that," Anthony got out of the car.

"What? Slap a mosquito?"

He didn't answer her and just grumbled his way past her.

Kelly took Jemina's arm and began to walk with her. "He's just referring to how it makes you look. La bella figura is a big thing is Italian circles. Your appearance must be well kept, your manners nice. That slap might have seemed crude to someone seeing you for the first time."

"So I should just let it bite me next time?"

A smile tugged at Kelly's lips. "That's the spirit."

By the time they were inside the house, Jemina had straightened her posture to match the others and tried to exude the air of elegance everyone else was doing. Was she nailing it? Hard to tell.

Elephants could have a party in the foyer with room to spare. Manicured plants sat on the decorative floor tile. Jemina kept scanning the room for Marin, but couldn't seem to spot him.

Kelly led them up to two men. "Hello, Capos. This is my niece, Eva Sorrentino."

"Hello, Eva," the dark-haired man rumbled.

"Hi, Miss Sorrentino," the blonde smiled. "What brings you around here?"

"Finally decided to take a gap year, so I thought I'd visit my family up in Maine."

"Yes, and we're so happy to have her," Kelly continued.

"Where's your husband, Associate Sorrentino?"

"Like I would know," everyone laughed at that.

Small talk conversations filled the room. New people's faces, names, and, of course, titles were memorized in an instant.

It took ages before they were allowed into the dining room. She was starving.

Fine china lined three long tables. Together, she guessed it could seat sixty.

Kelly stood as people kept sitting. "Kelly? What are you doing?"

"Waiting for your uncle," she smoothed her dress.


"So we can sit at the head table with the other Capos. Otherwise, I'd be the highest-ranking out of the family and we'd have to sit on the far right with the other associates."

"Is that bad?"

"No, just at the head table," her eyes glittered, "there's better conversation."

Jemina nodded. She could glean more information from the high ranking officials.

In walked Anthony, and they took their place at the table beside him. The dark-haired man and the blonde before were sitting opposite Anthony.

Jemina was at the end of that cluster, next to the last three seats. It was the head seat—probably for the Boss. Oh, Jesus, she was going to be sitting next to Boss Milanesi.

Jemina nudged Kelly. "When do those three seats get filled?"


Jemina followed her eyes. Rhinos envied the buff, cruel-eyed man who had just walked in. The wife beside him walked like she had a stick up her back. Right behind them, was Marin Milanesi in all of his suit-without-a-tie, patterned shirt glory. Everything was perfect, except for one thing.

He was staring daggers at Jemina.