
Life never is predictable, you never know what will happen next. And that, I suppose is the beauty of life.

If you were to know where your life is going to take you - what your future would be like, I'm sure you would be happy. I mean who wouldn't? Knowing what's going to happen would offer a sense of security, and that's a good thing isn't it?

But once the initial excitement is over you will find that being in the dark was better. One might ask why, well the answer is that the thrill of knowing the future would be the last time that you would feel the euphoric sensation of excitement...because after that nothing will be new to you and you will soon get bored of your own existence.

Every new happiness and every sadness brings a new colour to life, be it the melancholy shades of black and grey or the lively shades of the spectrum.

The colours filled on the canvas of life give us a painting which, when life draws to a close, we are sure to admire.

When you look back at your life you will appreciate the bad as much as the good if not more. Because it is the hardships in life which help you to grow, and it is the difficulties we face which give us the best things in our lives, even if they aren't evident in the beginning.

It's against the black and dull shades that the lively colours shine against. If it wasn't for them, then the bright blues and bubbly pinks wouldn't appear as cheerful as they do.

It's the hardships that help us appreciate the good things in life. If not for them we would definitely cease to be grateful, because then, life would have been monotonous.

We often view things around us in the bleak shades of black and white. Everything is either starkly dark, sinisterly evil. Or blindingly white, divinely pure. It's easy for us, as beings of reason to judge and differentiate between the good and the evil. It's easy for us to make up our minds about the things we see, although we might not know much...or anything about them.

Knowing this, where would you place yourself? Are you good, or are you bad? Would you agree with the opinion people make about you?

Most probably not.

It's a question, that is difficult to answer. Because we find it hard to judge ourselves. And when it comes to answering it, we realize that we don't fit the moulds that we create to judge those around us. We find ourselves in a grey area, although aware of our flaws…. we know that we aren't entirely bad either.

So then, is there truly a villain in a story? Or is it that we assume ourselves to be the hero in the story when in reality that might not be the case.

It's perhaps our decisions that turn the tide against us, it's not what someone does that ruins us….it's our decision to let them do it that brings our fall.

"Trust is not meant to give everyone, why is it then that it's the ones we put our faith in that betray us?"