
Guilty Pleasures?

"I don't believe in guilty pleasures. If you enjoy something, there is nothing to feel guilty about it."

-Busy Philipps

(remind yourselves of that when you munch on another bar of chocolate, what's a few more pounds if it makes you happy ?)


Gauhar's POV

My heart fell as I noticed that she was unaffected, in fact her grey eyes had again taken the fire of cold determination. I closed my eyes as I waited for the onslaught of angry words to start.

I looked up in surprise as I heard a tinkling laugh fill up the silence. My body that had prepared itself for the worst, suddenly felt numb as I watched Mrs. Abercrombie wipe the tears from her eyes, the smile on her wrinkled face seemed to have lit up her features "Did you really think I would get angry at you, especially when you came here after such a long time, and with food as well."

I let out the breath that I was holding, realizing that if I had kept it in any longer, I would have most probably died of suffocating myself.

"You really did give me a fright Mrs. Singh, I nearly died." I wiped the sweat that had gathered on my forehead.

"Pfffft fear does not suit you dear, and you are one of the bravest people that I know, so I doubt a few angry words from this old lady would frighten you." She smiled kindly at me, making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I smiled uneasily at her, she really did not know how scared I was. But it was good to have someone think I was brave, although I clearly wasn't.

"I'm happy you came early. How did your employer let you leave early? She's such a slave driver she wouldn't let you leave till you fell down from exhaustion, if she could have it her way that is." She said, as she busied herself in straightening another pile of papers that seemed to have magically appeared out of nowhere.

I looked at the large oak and birch trees sway in the gentle breeze from the window, a sliver of the elusive sun brightening the gloomy sky "It was Natalie's birthday, so she let me go early. And besides she's a very reasonable employer" I turned towards her in time to notice her rolling her eyes at my words.

I tried to stop myself from laughing out loud at her dislike of Mrs. Abercrombie, as I continued "Besides, she sent you those." I pointed towards the food resting on her desk with my eyes, causing her to scoff irritably.

I chuckled at her annoyance. I never understood why she didn't like her so much. Maybe she was jealous of her? Admittedly that was a very conceited thing to think, but I couldn't lie that I didn't like it, I could go as far as to even call it cute.

She shrugged, as she wiped her hands on the light blue shirt she had on before turning towards me "If it wasn't for her, you would have been able to spend more time here."

The pout on her face and her tone made her look adorable, like a petulant child. I smiled to myself at the thought, it was amazing how she managed to stay young at heart even after so much time, and facing so much in life. That was my inspiration, she was strong, stronger than I could ever be. Battling all her problems with a smile on her face, and also enjoying life with these kids…almost becoming a kid along with them.

"It's my job Mrs. Singh, besides it was my decision to work there in the first place, I wanted to help you all with my own hard earned money. So please don't act like a jealous boyfriend." I smirked at her, as she smiled at me, her grey eyes shining in amusement.

"When I have a beautiful, kind and driven girl like you, you can't blame me for wanting you all to myself. Of course I'm jealous, just a little bit though." she patted my cheek affectionately, bestowing me with the smile that made me feel incredibly special.

"I'm all yours Mrs. Singh." I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a hug "But you'll have to share me a bit with the others, I'm sure there is quite enough of me to go around."

She hugged me tighter, making me sigh contentedly in her arms. It was surprising how such a small woman could make me feel safe, but she managed to do it.

Because I knew that though she looked fragile, she was a warrior.

She eventually pulled away, patting my cheek and telling me that she'd be right back in a minute. I sighed as my eyes followed her retreating figure.

I hopped off the desk, and wandered around feeling incredibly bored. I knew that it would take a few more minutes for the kids to finish their classes. As I appraised a faux flower that looked like it had been here for more time than half the inhabitants here, I heard a familiar growl ring into the silence. I winced at the sound, realizing that I was still hungry. I regretted sharing my food with that psycho, though admittedly it was my fault, but hunger can turn any man savage.

And that was a fact.

I walked towards the desk, inhaling the decadent aroma of the baked food inside the bag and letting out a dreamy sigh. I took a croissant out of the bag, marveling at how soft buttery and amazing it looked. I could barely hold myself from drooling all over.

I leaned against the desk and took a bite, feeling my eyes instinctively close as I enjoyed the flaky goodness. I tried not to feel guilty, it was alright…this was payment for bringing this here without getting it wet in the rain that suddenly didn't seem to want to fall.

I was not doing a wrong thing right? Naah I wasn't.

At least I hoped so....

"Aren't those meant for us?" an accusing, childlike voice asked, startling me. Was my conscience so potent that it could conjure real-life voices inside my head?