
What's Trust?

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."

-George MacDonald


???'s POV

Goddammit I hated to wait, especially when I didn't know exactly how long it'd take that dumbass to complete whatever work he had in there. I freaking hated hospitals, did those officials really have to make sure that place looked as dead as possible. 

Then there was the fact that there was no trace of those two people that he spoke about. I was really angry, what if those two had bailed and left this god forsaken place. I wouldn't blame them if they did, but god help that prick who called me here, oh yes he'd be in for a real treat. Good lord I freaking hated hospitals.

Yes we understood that this place wasn't supposed to be one of the happiest places for people to spend their time in. But was it really important that the ambience here had to be so damn depressing? Just watching the people's faces here made me want to run away from this desolate place.

That idiot will have to pay for making me endure this shiet. Even sitting on this damned cold metal waiting chair was getting on my nerves, so I stood up and stretched my arms, the faint numbness in my legs from sitting for too long, quickly dissipating as blood rushed down to them.

I really felt as if I was being tested on how long I could stay patient before going on a goddamn genocide. Right now things seemed pretty peachy, I was one step away from exploding.

Good for me, but it's benefit for anyone else was questionable.

I leaned against the wall, deciding that seeing how my butt hurt from sitting for so long, standing would be the wisest option. I ran a hand through my hair, as I rolled up the sleeves of my button down shirt and loosened the first two buttons of it. I might as well get comfortable here, seeing as I had no freaking idea when the git would be done with whatever he was doing in there. I looked around warily, he better be quick…..I didn't want to be recognised here. 

If I got into trouble, then so god help me I wouldn't be in control of the consequences.

The distant sound of subdued conversation reached my ears, causing me to become alert. It was creepy how utterly silent this place was, I could even pick up on the stray words that those people were speaking.

I felt the hair on my neck stand up as I realised who's voice it was. I absolutely didn't want her to see me, I bent my head down, my hair falling onto my face. I sincerely hoped that my hair would sheild me from being recognised.

I crossed my arms across my chest, feeling my hands go a bit cold as I felt my heart beat a little harder in anticipation. I watched from the corner of my eye as two figures walked into the almost empty waiting area.

I could decipher the delicate form of woman, she had her arms wrapped around herself. Her hijab was askew and her jumper looked worn out. Though she looked tired, she was still beautiful. Her presence seemed to demand attention, sucking the entire air away from the room by just…. existing.

She looked so strong yet vulnerable.

Her dark eyes were trained on a man. A tall man that could be called handsome….if you like that sort of thing. His striking blue eyes would surely catch your attention. He was tall and quite well built. And right now he seemed very close to the woman, protectively standing beside her. She seemed to be comfortable in his presence, almost as if she….trusted him.

I felt a weird feeling in my chest, but I ignored it. Now was not the time nor the place to dwell on something as trivial as this.

"Dev how do you propose to make amends with this company now? It's not like we will be able to pay them back, seeing how we are in a crisis. Coming to a mutual understanding would work better in our favour, though I know uncle has tried that. I think I might try doing that as well, who knows... second time might be the charm. " She sat down one of the cold metal chairs, looking up expectantly at the man who sat down beside her.

It irritated me that she seemed to give a lot of importance to this man's opinion.

The distance between them as they say down eased a bit of my tension. But goddamn I was surprised, this man sure was quick. They seemed to be on a first name basis, and so soon. It was impressive actually.

"We're working on that Gauhar, you don't need to worry yourself about it, you can trust us. We'll get over this crisis soon." His gaze was reassuring but there was something unsettling in his tone. He didn't seem to believe his own words, and the way he averted his gaze away from her made me feel suspicious with this man.

"What is the name of the company? Perhaps I could do something to help... I'll first research them. I need to get things back to how they were before." She was staring into the distance, an expression of determination on her face. The fire in her eyes made me feel sure that she would definitely accomplish what she had set her mind to doing.

I knew that I would have to be wary of her.

"Er- why would you bother yourself with complicated stuff like this Gauhar? I told you we'll handle it." This man was quickly getting on my nerves, what a crappy liar. Goddammit mam at least learn to lie effectively if you were doing it. He was fidgeting with his fingers, a sure sign of anxiety "I think you should be allowed to meet your father now, let me just check with the nurse."

His attempt at dodging the topic was extremely pathetic and she was able to see right through it "STOP" she commanded effectively stalling his attempt at escaping her question, the authority in her voice even scared me a bit. And it wasn't even aimed at me, the man was powerless against it as he sat right back.

"Nobody is going anywhere till you give me the name of the company you made that failed deal with." Her onyx orbs stared intently at him, waiting for him to answer the question that he seemed so reluctant to provide an answer for.

He ran a hand through his brown hair that looked like burnt hay, his shifty blue eyes trained at something far off, perhaps a spec of dirt just like himself "Well we were doing business with Tremblay and Co." He got up, still not meeting her eyes he continued "Go ahead and search up whatever you think might help. I'll go and have a word with the nurse." 

The mention of the company immediately caught my attention. This man was not to be trusted, and his words just confirmed my suspicions regarding him. 

The tone of his voice clearly showed how less he thought her try would succeed, but his less than enthusiastic tone did nothing to dampen her resolve. In fact she seemed unaffected by it. She gave him a warm smile, in return for his skepticism as he walked away.

I rested my head against the wall, watching the bright white lights glare at me. This man was shifty as hell, he was lying to her through his teeth. And she was idiot enough to buy it, how could she trust someone who refused to even meet your eyes?

Gauhar seemed to be lost deep in thought, I observed her eyes glaze over as her thoughts led her somewhere far away from this room. She bit her lip, absentmindedly playing with the loose ends of her hijab. I was fully aware that she was tense, I could sense it in the rigidity of her posture and the anxious tapping of her foot.

"Gauhar" the prick called out her name, rousing her from her thoughts, she seemed slightly shaken "You can go into the room now." His words seemed to have drained all colour from her face, she looked as white as a bleached sheet of paper.

"I-is he al-alright?" She asked him, her fear and misgivings clear in her gaze. Her voice was shaking, and for some reason it hurt me to see her so distressed.

"You can go and check him out yourself Gauhar." The idiot said, was he that tactless? Couldn't he at least give her a false reassurance as I'm sure he could clearly see how distressed she was. He was rapidly falling in my sight, not that my opinion mattered that much at the moment.

Though I would make sure it doesn't stay that way for long.

Gauhar got up, visibly bracing herself for whatever she was about to witness. She took in a deep breath as she wiped her palms on her jeans. Her expression cleared, her face hardening and her lips setting into a thin line.

She walked towards me, but her gaze barely registered my presence. I rested my head on my chest, attempting to hide my face as much as possible without coming outright as being suspicious. She walked past me into the room, her hand shaking as she turned the doorknob.

Once the click of the door indicated that she was inside the room and safely out of earshot. I pushed myself away from the wall, straightening my wrinkled shirt I ran a hand through my hair. 

Now let's have a word with Mr. Shifty shall we?