
Memory Unlocked!

"Treat everyone with politeness, even those who aare rude to you- not because they are nice, but because you are."



Gauhar's POV

I watched carefully as the two men continued to converse, hoping to pick up any hint that I could, which would help my brain realise who he was. I'd be really screwed if he turned out to be some long lost relative that I was supposed to remember. I could feel embarassment slowly rear her head….

Just the thought of Muqeet's gloating smile at my embarassment caused a shudder of repulsion to pass through me. No… I could absolutely not let that happen- ever.

I slapped myself internally, I had to pay attention to what they were talking about. Or my horrible would soon become a reality.

"I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that Abdullah was rushed to the hospital in this state" he looked down at his clearly expensive shoes (that still managed to shine in the dim light) and sighed "I came here as soon as I could, did the doctor say anything regarding how he happened to come to this state?

His head suddenly whipped up, his weirdly yellowish irises looking eerie as they glowed in the semi darkness… his gaze boring into us, seeking or rather trying to coax the answer out of us "Did you kids even ask the doctor?"

I wanted to roll my eyes at his words, what did he take us for? The accusation in his gaze made me feel warm around the neck, a sure sign of me losing my cool. The sound of my deep breaths caused Muqeet to look warily at me.

It was with difficulty that I controlled myself from administering some sense into the old man. Apparently rolling your eyes at elders was considered rude (take notes kids) and showing them that they were incredible knuckleheads was even more rude. Though in my head I was committing an act of kindness.

His eyes looked up at the ceiling, maybe he was praying for divine patience to handle this man. Or maybe he was just hoping that I don't explode, I couldn't be very sure when I was trying not to commit any kind of homicide here. Trust me it was difficult, but the thought that father was on the bed, and he could wake up at any time stopped me from taking any extreme measures.

Muqeet nodded his head gravely, informing him patiently of the stress that father was under and that yes we did indeed speak with the doctor about our father's well being and no we weren't irresponsible brats in the most polite way possible.

I was quite impressed with his ability to handle the old guy, perhaps his patience only ran out in my presence...which was quite understandable, and I didn't blame him for it. I would want to kill me if I was in his place as well. I was just that amazing.

Mr. Name still processing*'s face turned grave as he heard everything, his lips forming a thin line, and his expression hardening. I also noticed that he had clenched his fists, the intensity with which he stared or rather, glared at the ground made me thankful that looks couldn't melt stuff or we'd have a huge fine on our heads for forming a hole in the hospital floor.

From his reception of the information it seemed as if father was very important to him, seeing how he was trying to hold in the emotions that he was feeling. It was only then that I noticed the dark circles under his eyes. His salt and pepper hair were disheveled, as if he had run his hand several times through them, clearly a sign of agitation.

"I'm really happy that he was brought here in time, I'm very grateful for that child Dev's help. If he hadn't intervened, I shudder to think what would have happened." he looked at father's unconscious form with an expression that I couldn't quite decipher. His voice was thick with emotion, and I was surprised to see that he hadn't actually started crying by now.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I felt goosebumps erupt across my arms at the untoward thoughts that came into my mind at his words. I could never repay Dev for what he had done, he was indeed an angel in disguise for us.

Muqeet nodded his head in agreement, his expression darkening at the thought of what could have happened "I am very happy he was there at the right time to help Baba. I was at work then, and nobody was there at the house."

He fixed his gaze on a spot that was roughly above father's bed, his eyes glazing over as he remembered what had happened "And as soon as mum heard the news she panicked and fainted from shock, it took us a lot of time to make sure she calmed down.... honestly I was kinda afraid that she'll have a breakdown like Baba, but Daniya handled the situation amazingly." he looked up at the changing lights on the ceiling, a strange look on his face as he let out a breath.

I felt my heart warm at the mention of Daniya's name. There were more questions that I wanted to ask him,but I stopped myself. Now was not the time nor the place to ask about that.

"Your parents are lucky they have a son like you." the old man announced genially as he wrapped an arm around Muqeet's shoulders "And on the other hand we have my son. Good for nothing piece of-" his face hardened upon the mention of his son, his golden brown eyes flashing dangerously.

Before he could complete his sentence, Muqeet jumped in, thankfully stopping him from bad mouthing his poor son "There there Uncle Ahmad, no need to get worked up about that, in fact Altamash did call me a while ago that he was here." He placed his hand on the old man's,patting it reassuringly "You know how busy he is, cut him some slack will ya Uncle Quadri."

"Son you do know that I feel as if I'm being addressed by a formal delegate at work when you call me uncle Quadri. Being called that gives me the feeling that I need to begin ordering people around, which is my notorious angry boss mode." His words caused a chuckle to escape out of Muqeet's mouth, but the mention of his name elicited memories that I would rather forget.

Their conversation faded into the background as the memories flooded back, his smile that seemed kind until now lost all its charm. I now understood why my mind refused to remember him, although he seemed familiar to me.

Because I had worked hard to make sure that I forgot him. And now all the crappy memories were back, bloody amazing.

I hated that he was here, but I could not deny the fact that he genuinely cared about Father, and hence I couldn't do anything (for now). Being openly hostile to him would not only be rude, I couldn't let my personal feelings, make anyone question the quality of my parents' upbringing.

Mr. Quadri seemed to sense my reluctance to talk as his smile faded upon noticing the expression on my face, it was hard to school the expression on my face as I forced a polite smile on my face "Your Muqeet is even closer to me than my own son." He stated as if it were supposed to make me feel more comfortable in his presence, causing Muqeet to smile uncomfortably. It was clear that he didn't like the way he was talking about his friend, I wondered why he didn't speak up about it.

"On the topic of my good for nothing son, he was supposed to be here, I wanted him to give company to Gauhar over here because I knew that she was alone. I see that he couldn't even fulfil that demand of mine." In the dim light I could see the set of his jaw, and the way he had clenched his fists. He seemed to be really pissed off at his poor son, which made me feel bad for him, which was amazing seeing how I didn't even know who he was.

I was secretly happy that this Altamash wasn't able to make it over here, because I knew it would be extremely awkward to spend time with someone I had never met before. Moreover, although he was a stranger I would never want him to come to a place as desolate as this hospital and then endure a freaking lecture from his father.

Muqeet placed a hand on his shoulder, gently calming him down with his comforting touch. I felt my eyebrows rise up into my hijab as I marvelled at his ability to tame the old man "Altamash did come here Uncle, he had called to inform me that he was outside in the waiting room. I have no idea why he didn't come inside here, or why he didn't meet Gauhar. But it could also have something to do with the fact that he was late to an extremely important meeting due to some reasons he didn't mention to me about."

Mr. Quadri clicked his tongue in disapproval at this but thankfully chose not to say anything about it, instead he turned his attention towards me "Where is your uncle Gauhar? Shouldn't he be here when his brother is in such a critical condition. Not the kind of behavior you would expect from a family member that cares for you." He shook his head in disapproval, causing a wave of irritation to wash over me.

It took all my efforts to remind myself that this man didn't mean any harm, and that I had vowed to be polite to him no matter how much his condescending behaviour irked me, "I don't know how to thank you sir. I'm sure your presence here means a lot to our father." I forced a tight little smile on my face, to maintain the façade that I was the perfect well behaved girl that I was trying so hard to be.

I noticed the discreet glare Muqeet was passing my way. But I chose to ignore him. I was going to give this man a price of my mind, and I'll make sure he swallows it no matter how bitter he might find it….with a smile on his face. I'll make sure if that.