
Coffee for a Vampire

Muqeet's POV

"A Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino with two extra pumps of chocolate and topped off with whipped cream please." I smiled at the woman in front of me, ensuring that it was as sweet as the shiet I was ordering.

"Are you sure you would like that sir? Maybe one pump less of chocolate would be better?" Her bright blue eyes shined with concern for my health. How adorable, at any other time I might have appreciated her cuteness, she was pretty good looking. I'd give her that.

But right now I was a man with a mission and I couldn't be distracted.

I decisively nodded my head "Yep I'm a hundred percent positive. I need that exact order, not a teaspoon of sugar less."

There was disbelief in her eyes as she looked me up and down, most probably wondering how a man who hogged on so much sugar managed to stay as fit as I was. I gave her my most charming smile which caused her to instantly blush, making her drop the tray she had in her hand.

I bent down and picked it up for her "Be careful, you might've hurt yourself just then."

Giving me a quick jerking nod she scurried away to make the drink. I popped in a grape candy, waiting for the sugar bomb from hell to be prepared.

As I walked outside the cafe, I shook me head. The puddles of water had ruined my shoes and the sky was way too clear and blue for my liking. How was it possible that there was no inkling today of the storm that had raged and destroyed yesterday?

I was under the delusion that friends were there to provide you with comfort, support and maybe occasionally be the source of your happiness. I wasn't a picky man, I didn't expect my friends to get me the Eiffel tower as a gift in honour of my friendship or cook me sumptuous meals just to ensure my happiness.

I believed that I was a man who was extremely easy to please.

My needs were simple, I just needed someone who had a good sense of humour, their complete loyalty for me, maybe a bit of their focus and time, and just a teeny bit of consideration for my nerves. Despite me being an extremely likeable and befriend-able person, I only had one friend. And the said friend did not even meet up to my meagre requirements.

Which I was aware shocked quite a few people, but the sad reality was that there weren't many people who scrambled to be my friend without any ulterior motives. They might like my popularity or maybe some would want to enamour me into falling for them.

So I was sadly stuck with him.

His sense of humour was bearable at best- which was rare since he hardly ever thought of anything outside of boring laws and weird analyses of peoples' psyches. It always managed to creep me out and increased my faith in the fact that my sacrifice made me the nobler friend.

Which was again in sharp contrast to my riveting sense of humour and witty banter.

I could throw the expectation that his entire focus would ever be on me right out the window, dude was smitten to the core with someone who I had never seen and who- going by his descriptions- could be described as mediocre at best. Nothing like-

I guess it's better I curb that train of thought right away.

I did have a feeling that the girl he'd gone down the rail for was better than how he had described her. If anything the bloke was handsome… nah passable but his ability to describe anything other than scenarios which involved arson and a bucket full of blood were severely lacking.

And he definitely had no consideration for my nerves. I had to wake up at the ungodly hour of eight on a Sunday morning since his majesty had summoned me.

A friend like me was supposed to not only be appreciated but be placed on a throne and treated like a king. And here I was walking towards the thoughtless bugger's place with a coffee in my hand that threatened to burn away the skin on my palm.

Jeez, I really needed to get myself some new friends. It was a pity that the market only had trash to offer.

"Give that here to me." The steady warmth of the steaming hot coffee was ripped away from my hands as a - there was no other way to describe it- zombie snatched it from my hands.

Swallowing my surprise at his sudden appearance I looked him up and down. He white shirt on with the top buttons undone and it was untucked giving me the impression that he had fallen asleep in them. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, showing off the dumb phoenix tattoo he had drilled onto himself in an act of rebellion.

He didn't seem to care that it was on full display, when he usually was more careful than a person who had committed homicide to make sure nobody looked at it. That made me sure that there was something wrong with him.

"What in the bloody hell is wrong with you mate?" I couldn't help but be concerned for him despite him being the man who had rudely ruined my Sunday morning.

Ah, it was really difficult sometimes to be as considerate as I was, a quality that this git was severely lacking.

Who on earth woke up so freaking early anyway? Altamash Ahmed Quadri that's who.

"Never mind what's wrong with me, I need you to come inside first."

I was tugged without preamble into the house that was filled with the light of the early morning sun and the smell of something burning. As I was pushed inside I noticed books strewn across the coffee table, a blanket draped across the sofa indicated to me that that was where this idiot -who now resembled a corpse- had decided to camp for the night.

"How long has it been since you've had any contact with direct sunlight?" I kicked the blanket away with my knee before seating myself on the dark brown leather sofa "you look like a vampire, and not the shiny good looking type."

The cold leather bit my arse making me hiss in shock. "And what were you thinking, why'd you have the air conditioner on the entire night yesterday? What in the goddamned hell Altamash, were you not cold? There was a freaking storm out there yesterday!" I gestured towards the window now streaming sunlight into the house.

The only answer I got to my questions, loaded with worry, was a non-committal jerk of his head, as if dying of cold was the least of his concerns.

Maybe it actually was, the dude looked like he was on the verge of dying, more a corpse than man at this point. His dark hair that were usually infuriatingly impeccable were now in absolute disarray, the black strands standing on end as if he had been electrocuted. His face was haggard and his eyes were red, purple eye bags prominent under his eyes.

That was a trait that I was famous for.

"Altamash" I breathed "Don't tell me-"

He stared at me with empty eyes "Alright I won't."

I ran my hands through my hair in irritation "What the frick is wrong with you? You look like you smoked an entire joint of weed and a little bit of coke just for good measure." I levelled him with my gaze "Altamash you look like dogshite right now. And your dark circles look worse than mine. I'm concerned for you man!"

In reply to my distressed tirade, I got an obscenely long and loud slurp of the coffee that I had bought for the ungrateful twat, with my own money no less. I was definitely going to make him pay up for the expensive crap he drank, it was as if there was gold mixed in with the milk and sugar. Who in their right minds paid bloody ten bucks for a cup of coffee that was just destined to come out of your body as piss.

I never could understand humans.

"I woke up at bloody eight in the morning, on a darned Sunday for you, bought an obscenely expensive coffee that has more sugar than milk in it and that could have diamond dust in it for how much it was worth and you still choose to act like I'm the one inconveniencing you with my presence."

I stood up in irritation, sadness I could understand but downright resignation from this twat who called himself my friend was absolutely alarming for me "Don't tell me all this sadness is because some bird dumped you."

The way his puffy eyes widened was answer enough to me, I had hit the nail right on the head. What I failed to understand was who on god's earth was he crying over, the man never seemed to be interested in any woman no matter how desperately she tried.

Who on earth had made him look like he'd died and his burial was forgotten?