
Planning Revenge

Daniya's POV

Despite being an uninvolved onlooker, I felt chills pass through my spine as her eyes glinted evilly, for a brief second I had the urge to flee away from her just because she looked possessed.

I felt bad for Muqeet who had his eyes trained apprehensively at his sister. As if he were waiting for her to push her fingers up his nose or sock him on the jaw. Either of the scenarios being equally probable and terrifying.

Pulling Muqeet's cheek she gave him a sweet smile, the same smile she had given a bully before shaving off his eyebrows "Nothing much brother, you don't need to worry about it. Daniya was just talking about the things she plans to do with her husband."

I felt my cheeks get hot as I looked up at him "Why're you making it sound so weird dumbass?"

He raised his eyebrows at that, an expression of annoyance morphing his pleasant features, "she found a person to get married to?"

The emotion in his voice sent a confused flutter across my stomach, making me narrow my eyes at him.

Why was he getting so worked up about this? And really why did he even care? And most importantly why did I not dislike his inappropriate display of displeasure?

I felt my mind whirr with these thoughts, but I quickly put a stop to it. Nothing good was ever going to come out of contemplating this. I turned my attention back to Gauhar who was grinning like a goblin.

"She's also decided that she wants to live in a house just like this one with him." she continued, making him briefly turn his gaze towards me.

I fought against squirming under his gaze, as I noticed the emotion burning in there. Abruptly he turned away his back ramrod straight as he narrowed his eyes at his annoying sister.

"Why live in a house similar to this one when she can actually live here forever?" he raised an eyebrow, although he had a smirk on his lips his eyes were serious.

Did his words really imply what I thought they did, or was I overthinking it all?

What was up with this man today? What was going on in that head of his. And why did the emotions on his face bother me so much?

Before this conversation could make me feel anything more confusing and fill my head with any more conflicting thoughts I quickly interjected "Will you both stop talking about me as if I am not here?"

Gauhar gave me an apologetic smile and Muqeet's ears turned red, but he avoided my gaze as he continued to stare at the patch of grass near his bright blue sneakers.

I couldn't bear the heaviness that hung around us. So I cleared my throat and put on my cheeriest expression "Gauhar do you remember what I'd talked to you about a few days ago?"

She furrowed her brows "No?" she replied.

"Why did I even expect you to pay attention to what I say?" I groaned.

Gauhar scrunched her eyebrows trying to remember what I was referring to before suddenly sitting up straight and slapping her thigh "I got it! Is it about you needing digestion pills because the cheesecake we'd eaten made you blast the toilet?"

I felt a violent blush creep up my face at her words, stealing a look at Muqeet I noticed that he had a small smile on his lips, making my embarrassment increase tenfold.

"Not that you idiot!" smacking her hard on her head I stiffly continued "the things we discussed while drinking the coffee your receptionist gave you as bribe at the office."

"She accepted a bribe?" Muqeet raised a thick eyebrow at me in question, earning a nod from me.

Clicking his tongue he shook his head and pushed himself up "Sounds like she's dabbling in illegal shite even before getting her law degree. I don't wanna dabble in whatever it is, so I'm out."

Before he could entirely get up, I caught his arm on instinct, a burn of electricity coursing through me on contact with his forearm making me let go of him as if I were burned.

I was sure he felt the same thing I did as he stared at the spot I had touched him in disbelief before shaking his head and sitting back down.

"Alright, I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm sorry" I muttered out in a small voice, embarrassment making it difficult for me to look up at him.

"For what?" he asked, his voice a bit deeper than I had heard it before.

A loud sound of someone violently and very obviously clearing their throat made both of us jump.

Looking up I saw Gauhar staring at us with a disgruntled look on her face "Alright I remember what it was that we had to talk about" turning towards her brother she continued "so, as you know, there a lot of fishy stuff going on in the world of S&Q enterprises."


"So since I am a Lawyer."

"You still have an entire semester left dimwit." he said, as he punched her on the shoulder, making her rub at the spot.

"Whatever, it's almost done anyway, and Daniya's gotten her MBA done."

"Not yet Haru." I said.

Gauhar rolled her eyes dismissively as if what I'd just said was not of any consequence "It's pretty much over Dani, and I know that there's no way you can ever fail. The professors need to be blind AND have cognitive difficulties to ever give you anything lower than an A"

Turning towards Muqeet she continued "And you have skills with computer algorithms and similar crap that I don't really care about cuz they are usually pretty much useless."

Ignoring his narrowed eyes she continued "but now I think we finally have a use for it."

"I'm flattered" he said sarcastically, but continued anyway "what help do you want from me?"

"Well, that depends since I'm not sure myself but I think we would have to hack files and maybe even databases to get information since it is all so well hidden."

Muqeet's eyes widened as a grin formed on his face "Damn Gauhar, you sounded exactly like another pain in my arse that tried to convince me to put my tech skills to use. The similarities between you literally gave me the chills" he said wrapping his arms around himself and moving them up.

"Will you stop acting like a drama queen and continue what you were saying?" Gauhar said rolling her eyes at his antics.

Looking at me he cleared his throat and continued "So yeah, as I was saying before bring rudely interrupted by a brat. It seems like the universe wants something great from me, so I concede to your idea Gauhar, lead the way my baby sister."

Fighting a smile at his words, Gauhar rolled her eyes "whoever it was, if they think the same way that I do, then they're undeniably smart."

Straightening up she continued "Anyways, Daniya has looked into the financial accounts for the company for the past year and-" she looked at me expectantly, as if she was hoping I would telepathically understand what she wanted me to tell.

Folding my legs under me I looked at both Gauhar and Muqeet "Yeah, so your shipment with Tremblay and Co. actually went through and you got the money."

"I knew it!" Muqeet exclaimed, slapping his thigh and making both me and Gauhar turn our attention towards him. Clearing his throat he gave me a sheepish smile "Yes, continue Daniya."

"As I was saying, the shipment went through and you already got paid as well, but instead of going into the company funds as was supposed to happen. The money was transacted and here's where it gets strange" I bit my upper lip apprehensively before continuing "it was transacted by your father, and that's not all."

"Why does nobody know about this then?" Gauhar asked sitting up straight.

Running his hand through his hair, Muqeet looked at both of us " that's obviously because whoever had done this has access to our father's personal bank information and they are influential enough to hide their tracks from your father by filling the pockets of those who know what's going on."

A grim expression settled on Gauhar's face as she chewed her lower lip in thought. Turning towards me she asked "How much was transacted Dani?"

"Around a million pounds." I bit my lip as a darkness flashed in her eyes.

"Baba is not aware of this right?" she asked, her lips were set in a grim line and her eyes were ablaze. She looked determined and scary and I loved it.

Nobody could mess with my best friend and just get with it.

Muqeet rolled his eyes at his sister "Obviously he doesn't know about this, were you even paying any attention to what I was saying?" Looking at me he continued "you know what that means right?"

"Yup." I looked at them meaningfully, Gauhar's eyes shone with determination and something darker while Muqeet's jaw was set, a muscle in his cheek twitching "Someone is robbing the company. Right now, it looks like embezzlement to me, but since we have no proof and all the current evidence points towards your father as being the culprit we can't be reckless about this."

Leaning forward I looked into Gauhar's eyes, the intensity in them filling a strange energy within me "from your Father's recent account records, he has been getting a lot of money from undisclosed sources transferred to his account."

"Yup, that's definitely a case of embezzlement." Gauhar nodded, her lips set in a thin line "Bro, can you look into the sources from where the money was sent, even if it was undisclosed I'm sure you can hack into it right?"

"Yeah I can do that." Suddenly snapping his fingers, he looked at Gauhar "You remember you asked me to get info from Tremblay and Co.? Well I think we are clear on the fact that there is a rat within the company that's fooling everyone and stealing shite."

"Yup we only have to find out who it is," I smiled at both of them darkly.

Gauhar returned my smile, a deadly glint in her eye "or just finish them off on our own."