
Agitated Best Friends

Gauhar's POV

"Well thank you for your generosity, but I do not save strange men's numbers on my phone." Daniya sniffed, her haughty voice and prim tone making me snicker. An expression that I could only describe as satisfaction settled on Muqeet's face at her words, making me wonder what was going on inside his head. 

The creepy smile on his face didn't seem to phase Daniya as they continued to stare at each other. Making me feel as if I were intruding on a private moment, the silence in the room was so awkward I could feel it in my bones. But neither of them seemed to have noticed it.

"Alright, if you're done wasting our time by talking about pointless things, I would suggest we move on to more interesting topics now." I said trying to steer the conversation towards something that would distract me from dwelling upon my brother and my best friend's strange behaviour.