
Broken Suitcases

Gauhar's POV

God! I hate crowds.

I held my breath, as I navigated my way through the sea of sweaty bodies. The sheer number of people surrounding me, made me feel slightly claustrophobic. All the bodies closing up on me made me feel light headed, as if I were drowning amongst them, and it was all I could do to stop myself from clawing my way through them.

The shrill cries of petulant children pierced my ears, the sound causing me to wince. Haggard travellers pulled their suitcases as they tried to find a way out of this crowded hellhole. Reminding myself to take deep breaths to ground myself, I heaved my overstuffed bags and suitcases, regret burned within me for my decision to pack so much as I nearly tripped on my feet.

Carrying weights was not something that usually overwhelmed me, but doing it while battling the dizziness clawing up my throat was a challenge I wasn't sure I was ready to face.